White wings make you fly 2/2 ch.3

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I could only count the days by when the water came, and even then it was still hard to tell. I would think it came and it didn't, or it came and I wouldn't realize it thinking it was another illusion. In that dark room, things where so jumbled much of the time I whimpered in fear unable to move. It wasn't until I was dragged out that I actually realized it was the day, the funny thing is I always tried to claw my way back in because my eyes felt like there where needles stabbing at them even if I closed them.

This time I was brought before the master, back down in the cell where we met once a year. "Stand up."

"Y-yes master." I replied weakly standing on shaky legs.

"Turn around and strip off the shirt."

I obeyed and clutched the iron post in front of me anticipating the pain. It never came though, just his soft hands over my bare skin. "She told me they where worse." He whispered under his breath that I almost didn't hear it.

He stepped away from me and headed out the door. Instead of his usual three words he said. "Cover yourself and go to the Seer." I bowed though he didn't see me, unlike usual there where guards behind me by the door. When I put on my shirt I walked past and they both gave me a strange look.

I walked meekly through the hallways, my eyes burning as I tried to find my way, by the time I was in the courtyard I could see the tower but I couldn't walk any further. Falling to my knees I felt a breeze around me and strong arms pick me up. All that I remembered after that was being in a warm bed with a towel on my forehead.

I woke up, sweaty and dazed; I didn't know where I was or what had happened. I was in an unfamiliar room with a large window with stained glass. The Chapel perhaps, no it would smell like oiled wood and candle wax.

"Ara, you're up." Came Emilio's surprised voice. Ah, he came through a wall meaning I must be in the Seer's tower. I knew he had hidden places, I just didn't know where.

"What happened?" I asked rubbing my eyes.

"You passed out, you where very sick." Emilio said with a worried look on his face. "Where did you go?"

"In the dark room." I said smiling gently.

His face darkened, his eyes looked almost black not the gentle dark blue they where when we first met. Strange... when did I start to note his eyes? "The Dark ROOM?" He growled.

"It's the darkest room, it's the only place they could really punish me. When I was little it was the only place I feared because it was so enclosed and scary."

"That's where you where that whole week you where gone!?" I nodded and shrugged. "It's alright, it wasn't the first time. It was just the first time that I was only allowed water for a week."

He didn't say a word; he just stood there not saying a word. I wondered if he was a man that cried or the kind that got I fits of rage and destroyed everything in sight. It hardly mattered though; I would be gone soon... but when? "How long until I leave?"

Emilio frowned at me. "In two days, but I'm wondering if this is a good idea since you're so weak."

"You're so silly, I'll be healthy as a horse come tomorrow."

"That's im-"

"Completely possible for her Emilio." The Seer replied as he came in chuckling. "Food Ara?" he asked coming in with a bed plate stacked high with fruits, veggies, breads, and even a few meats.

I looked over at Emilio and the Seer and then at the food and twitched my lips. "This could get ugly considering I'm starved, feel free to leave."

Emilio looked confused but the Seer merely chuckled and sat in a near by chair. "Feel free, it's alright." I smiled and dug in, a bite of this a chunk of that, my mouth full and almost never empty at any pause. Emilio's eye began to twitch and he even had to turn away flushing. "What's the matter Emilio?" The Seer asked nearly chuckling.

"I-it's not proper."

I and the Seer began to laugh as Emilio hurried out of the room. It reminded me of a sixteen year old Jurar who had seen me naked once in a bath. I was a slave after all; I didn't always have the most attractive habits of a fine lady.

"Go ahead and keep eating, I stayed because I needed to talk to you. Tomorrow is when you will leave, I thought it was in two days time but something has changed in my visions, so you must leave as soon as possible. Emilio and you will head East and-"

"Emilio?" I asked with a mouth full of food, I hadn't realized he was coming with me.

"Yes Emilio, it's a good excuse, my slave escaping with a valuable slave back to his home land to become a prince."

"Prince?" I asked spraying food.

"Ara you're spreading crumbs. In some cultures you can only become a prince and ruler by completing certain tasks, bringing back a winged one and freeing it is a very popular one. Anyways, you will travel East, Stopping only when you need to, I will pack you both some food and gold. You will travel as gypsies, and when you and Emilio part-"

"Part!?" I squeaked, where was I headed!?

"Follow the fairy lights."

I swallowed hard "What do you mean part? Where am I headed?"

"A safe place, Emilio will find you after you part, but not until you can fly on your own."

I frowned "This sounds dangerous."

"It is." The Seer replied getting up to leave the room, so all I was left with was half a try full of food and my thoughts.

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