White wings make you fly Ch.15

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Chapter 15: Changing the World

I felt the power all around me, everything was irrelevant around me, because I was the only thing that was in the past present and future, I was here but I wasn't. It's a strange feeling one could never fully grasp. It's almost like that moment before your foot falls asleep, and it's a asleep and it's waking all in one. Though I was the future and the past and the now I knew I had to do what I had to do before the present me ran out of time. The thing about time travel I felt, is that you could go where you wished but time never stopped flowing, meaning my life was still slipping away.

First... "Aiden." I thought allowed, and instantly I was in the forest, he was climbing a tree. Because he was elf and human he was more gangly then natural, it looked as if he was about to lose balance. What I noticed most was that the scar was gone and I hoped to keep it that way.

 "Let the grass rise to meet you softly in this moment." I whispered. Suddenly he fell, and the grass did as I willed. His arm hit hard and I could tell the shock made his eyes go wide as he rubbed his arm; it would be bruised but not broken. He didn't leave though; he looked at the tree again with a determination.

The Unicorn nudged my arm in the bushes and I turned to pet it. "You must be the one he fell for, I can see why." I looked back at Aiden who once again began to climb the tree, and a thought occurred to me. "Perhaps I cannot change anything here, but you can. Go and save that boy from falling and take him back to his village. They're elves, they will let you go freely and I'm sure you'll have a good meal as well."

She bowed her head to me and instantly set into a dead run to do my wishes, and arrived just in time to help Aiden who fell belly first on her saddle but some how managed to hold on as she galloped away. I laughed softly but I felt something in time shift, it was painful because I felt now I was dying faster from the change in time because now I had never met Aiden. Instead of meeting him I came to find my sister faster now, which meant I was dying faster.

"Alexandru's tribe before he was marked." I gasped trying to focus, I felt everything shift again and I was doing my best to hold on.

"I knew I would see you, though I didn't think in such a condition." Crackled an old woman, she had speckled wings and sat in a room full of smoke.

"You can see me?"

"Of course I can, what wise woman couldn't?"

"Are you the woman who cursed Alexandru?"

She barked a laugh. "I can't curse I can only speak what the god's will for us winged ones. He's cursed though eh? Well at least I know now why I can't read him."

"Please I need to know why his brother stabbed me, why he hates Alexandru so much."

"Oh one of his brothers stabbed you?" She asked seeming generally surprised.

"Yes, was it part of a prophecy?"

"All of them are regular winged ones; none would have a grudge against you. Although..." She took a puff on her pipe thinking thoughtfully. "Alexandru comes from a royal family."

"There's royalty among the bird people?"

"Among the black wings yes, and the first to claim a bride becomes the king and leads our people."

"What dose that have to do with me? It should be easy; Alexandru wouldn't even have a chance because he's young and cursed."

"Well they like to kill their brother's brides to be, and many of them have uncontrollable tempers which makes love hard to find."

"But you don't need a bride to love you to marry you."

"Oh but you do in a winged one's culture, it's the only way to have children. Heirs are as important as a mate."

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