White wings make you fly Ch.9

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Chapter Nine: A new friend

I sat up top of the waterfall, just sitting and thinking. It was difficult to think that he didn't want a friend; and if he did, then it would end the world. I believed for so long that I was a slave; all I would ever be was a slave. I believed that I would never get to see outside those walls, I would die young of a whipping or die of old age but either way I would still never see outside those walls. When I was with Emilio even then I still feared about my freedom...but I was willing to change it even though I feared it.

Still I wondered if that was why he had such a lonely existence, was everyone afraid he would end the world so they treated him cruelly? If that was so... and he was really so afraid, perhaps I'd be his friend, even if he didn't know it. In the Inn he had seemed so hopeful, so lonely... so lost....

I got up just as the sun sunk below the tree line, my wings fluttering behind me. I wanted to fly; I wanted to be free from the land and free from all forms of slavery. I wanted to be strong so I might be able to follow Alexandru in the sky, so maybe just for a moment he wouldn't be so lonely at least up there. Maybe I could make him happy, and see a smile on his face like I did today, or maybe a full grin.

"Flap." I commanded my wings, and flap they did very slowly. "Come on you need to flap faster, we need to get strong." I whispered trying to get them to flap faster. I closed my eyes and made fists bracing myself. Pain erupted on my back, but I felt my feet briefly leave the ground. Sighing in relief I stopped flapping and plopped back down. At least I had made progress, as much pain as it brought my wings. "Maybe if I practice flapping they'll get stronger while I walk around." I whispered to myself as I rubbed my sore wings. They where beautiful, I never wanted to stop looking at them, they where the freedom, the life, a part of me I had loved and missed though I didn't know I had them. It's difficult to explain... It's like never having hair, and then suddenly you have long flowing locks you've always wanted and their so gorgeous you never want to part with them. No... It's more like... and Iron chain on your foot and suddenly it's removed and you find there's a place outside your cell walls or... oh there is no proper way to describe it, not really.

"Ara!" called someone. "Ara, where are you?"

"I'm here Aiden, on top of the water fall!" I screamed.

The wind began to blow a bit harder, and something stirred. Suddenly I realized this was a very bad choice. Alexandru said to hide my wings, and here they where visible to the world.

Quickly I ran over to the water and ducked down in it, it was dark out and the water stirred; my wings where white, but he wouldn't know if the tips where or not if I stayed in the water. "Ara you've been gone all day, where's Alexandru? Did he feed you, or did he not train you at all and you got lost in the forest?" Asked Aiden suddenly appearing from the shadows like an early morning light, he looked unruffled about this morning. Something about the memory made me blush.

Had he meant to kiss me? I wondered though it could have just as easily been a mistaken gesture. Did I want him to kiss me? I wondered perhaps, did that make me a bit footloose? "No we trained, he said I did well and to keep practicing, though he imagined you would need me. What would you need me for though Aiden?" I asked swimming on my back.

He came over and crouched by the bank. "Isn't it cold?"

"Not really." I lied, actually it was freezing; I couldn't feel anything let alone my wings.

"You should get out and warm up, that's fresh melted snow."

"I'm just fine Aiden." I said sighing, though really I tried very hard not to chatter my teeth. It was extremely difficult not to though, especially knowing now that it was snow melt.

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