White wings make you fly Ch.8

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Chapter 8: Falling not flying

"Try again." Alexandru groaned as he played with a piece of grass. I could tell he was loosing all interest in this; he brought me cloths and had a nice laughing fit as he had to help me put them on. Then he had fun staining my beautiful feathers with a bit of brown. Then, taking me to a giant waterfall enjoyed pushing me down and catching me again. Now he was extremely bored after trying that, and is now watching me try to conjure fire.

Emphasis on the try... we've been out here since morning and it's past mid day. Not only am I starved but I'm stumped as to how I did it in the cave. It seemed easy enough then, I simply wanted to be warm. I kept trying to get at least that sensation back but no go, it was to hot up here even though we where so close to water. "This is impossible, there is no way I could ever possibly conjure fire. I'm a winged loser, I can't do anything."

"You just need to think fire, it's not hard. You think of warmth or anger, power, the sun. It's easy..." He said as he lifted the piece of grass and threw it up making it suddenly burst into flame. "You just need to focus."

"Easy for you to say, if you're distend to make the world burn you must have a hell of a lot of power." I muttered.

"Let me guess, you think that it's easy for me to be like this!? To have everyone cower in fear because of my power; a power which makes me unable to befriend even a simple creature!?" He was suddenly behind me as he spun me around to look at me, he was extremely angry. "You have power, just because you may have to work a little harder doesn't mean I'll allow you to treat me like-"

"I didn't mean to, I'm sorry. I'm frustrated is all, I was able to do it in a cave on the way here and I even did it without really thinking. It's... extremely irritating that I can't seem to accomplish something I didn't even mean to do before." I said honestly looking up at him.

His lips tightened, not exactly a frown but certainly not a look of pleasure. "Stop doing that." He said before pushing me away. "Do it again, and ignore the sun's heat if that's what's troubling you."

"But I can't, it's so hot can't we go somewhere else."

"If you want to learn how to fly you need to learn under tougher conditions, the faster you learn the faster you respond, the faster you fly. If you don't use your magic then your wings won't grow in time, and if you get in mid flight and suddenly your wings freeze up you won't know what to do."

I groaned sitting down on the ground as he began to wade into the water. "This is hopeless, can't we have a break or something maybe that's why it's not working."

"Your powers are stronger when you are defenseless and broken and all you have to rely on is them."

I sighed and closed my eyes focusing, he said our powers are stronger when we're defenseless. That didn't make sense though; otherwise my powers would have acted up long ago...

"You are beautiful; you are all the things I've ever wanted. It's such a pity that something so ugly could grow on something so beautiful. I wonder if you have any clue as to how much I love you, you're like my little girl I could never have. "The master said pacing, walking as I bled. "I wish you didn't have to have this ill deformity, I wish you where only a slave. I could make your life so comfortable and so wonderful, but you're... this." He sighed and sat, his head in his hands like he was about to cry. "I had a chance to set you free, but I was told to keep you safe, so I will always keep you safe. I wish so badly I didn't have to do this, I wish you could just fly, fly, fly away." He whipped his eyes and stood like a regal Master and not a raving lunatic. "It's too bad; the only way to keep you safe is to do this." He stepped out of the room and paused looking forward in the doorway. "Shea loved you."

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