White wings make you fly Ch.13

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Chapter 13: Illusions


That afternoon after we ate we ran to the library, and it truly was as large as she had told me it would be. We spent time looking at books of love and romance braiding each others hair. "Do you want a love Arasala?"

"Don't you?" I asked tilting my head back at her as she continued to braid.

"No because it ends the same way, despair as dose all love when a man has free will."

"How can you say that? Look and mom and dad."

"They birthed two children, one that was supposed to die. Our lives have been ruined all because of their love, can you honestly say their happy?"

"Suppose to die?"

"Well one of us is supposed to be all powerful, make the world perfectly wonderful for all the scum in the world that screws it up. Honestly I think it's a waste of a life just to make up for all their idiotic mistakes."

"Change the world, considering what happened to me maybe it's worth it." She pulled my hair angrily and growled at me. "Are you saying you'd give up my life if you had the power to change the world?"

"No, but I can see where a lot of people would want that." I said wincing in pain as tears welled up in my eyes.

Instantly she softened and let go of my hair so I could pull away and rub my head. "I'm sorry that was rude of me, I'd just hate to think my only little sister would want me dead, especially my twin."

"Of course I wouldn't, even if it changes the world no life is truly worth that kind of sacrifice." I said honestly.

She stared at me for a moment. "So no one's life is worth that sacrifice? Even if that person where a liar or could burn the world to the ground?"

"Even then." I said smiling kindly. "No one's life is worth giving up for the good of the world."

"I would have to disagree; I would gladly kill someone to change the world for the better, not you but someone. I mean it's for the better of the world why not?"

"It's one thing if someone does it willingly." I said frowning. "But for it to be taken unwillingly is awful."

"Even if it saves the world?"

"Even then." I said honestly feeling my heart ache a little bit. Just then, for some odd reason I felt like a piece of me was missing. "I think I better go lay down, my head is hurting again."

Her smile faltered a bit. "Very well if that's what you would like to do; we'll go play tomorrow yes?"

"Of course."

I thought when I woke perhaps things would be different; that maybe it was all just a dream. I was wrong, as soon as I opened my eyes my dreams fled me and my sister was there sitting on a cushion with a boy massaging her shoulders who wore almost nothing. "Good morning Arasala, meet Kili, he's my personal slave. I won't be able to entertain you much today so you're free to roam the castle with your slave."

"My slave?"

"Quint!" She yelled, instantly a slave came to the door. He was a bit more dressed as in the fact he had pants on instead of a loincloth. He was extremely pale and had a collar around his neck. He didn't look me in the eye; instead he stared at the ground with his shoulders back like royalty. "Enjoy your day sister; I'll be back as soon as possible." She said kindly before striding out the door making Quint move out of the way as fast as he could. "Kili!" She screamed harshly in the hallway, quickly he ran after her out of the room as well.

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