Chapter 6

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“Hold on you mean Paul wasn’t joking?” Liam said.

            “Well then I guess we are equally shocked by this.” I said.

            “I mean as long as you don’t set us up for any more FIFA embarrassment it will be fine.” Niall said with a fake serious look.

            “That’s the spirit! Now I need food before I get really angry.” I returned.

Then Harry went over to the small table. “Oh that would be very bad.” He said sarcastically. “Here is your food princess.

            “Haha your super funny.”

He gave me a super cheeky grin that I couldn’t help smiling back at.

“Your smile is all the proof I need” He said to me.

            I went over to the table to see a huge bowl of pasta with some small bowls set beside it. I grabbed one pilled it with the noodles and shoved a bite in my mouth. Carbs are my weakness and I was starving so I really didn’t care that five very handsome boys were watching me eat like a cow. After a few bites I looked up to see five very amused faces staring back at me.  With food I my mouth I said, “What you’ve never seen someone eat.”

            “Not anyone like you.” Niall said.

            “What is that supposed to mean?” I responded.

            “You are like super professional and have all your shit together and wear suits, and have the courage to yell at us. But you eat like that.” Niall said.

            “That it. Anyone need to add anything. I would like to get back to my food.”

            “Damn you’re cool as fuck.” Liam said kind of embarrassed after blurting it out.  “I mean I’m serious your like hot, but also bossy, but also super chill and sporty. That may sound semi-creepy i know realize but its also really true.” Then all five boys kind of nodded, backing him up. 

            “Why thank you. Now that we have got that out of the way why don’t we have a real dinner conversation?”

            “Alright. How about you tell us what else we don’t know about you.” Louis said.

            “Oh no. Its my turn to ask the question I literally know nothing about you, besides what an average person would.” Then I began asking questions mostly just about the facts before they were famous and what kind of stuff they like, nothing to deep we weren’t like best friends yet.

            After a lot of laughs and a couple beers; one by one people got up and got in their bunk. Then it was down to just Harry and I. We sat kind of looking at each other for a while. It wasn’t awkward just relaxing. We both just sat there taking each other in. Then he sat up a little and put his huge hand over mine that was sitting on the table.

“Tell me something about you.” He said.

“I mean I’m no international super star. My life is not full of exciting adventures.”

“Come on something different than that, somthing real.”

“Alright fine then." I thought for a second before rambling an answer, "I am terrified of getting Alzheimer’s. I was in the valedictorian of my high school class, and I'm slowly finishing college at NYU, but i already have my dream job, because Mrs. Hyde saw the first work I did at NYU and loved it. SO she hired me on the spot. Uhmm the sister I told you about is my best friend in the world. I am obsessed with shoes, like any kind tennis shoes, heels, boots.  If I could go anywhere in the world I would go to Greece. I am secretly in love with Seth MacFarlane. Oh my other biggest fear is never falling in love.”

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