Chapter 10

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I woke up on my stomach and Harry’s arm draped across my back. I had to get up though, and I didn’t want to wake Harry up so after careful moving his arm off me I scrambled off the bed and into the shower. I came out to find a still very asleep Harry.  I went with a classic Nina look which included black jeans and some kick ass black booties, and then a bulls long sleeve shirt. I knew Harry wouldn’t get up if I didn’t wake him up, but I also knew if I was still there I would never leave. So I walked out picking up my phone and called him once I was out the door.

“Hey there Mr. Sexy. Its time to get your ass up and take a shower.”

“Well because you do have a job adn millions of screaming fans. So if you aren’t here with the rest of the boys there will be no kisses for you.”

“Yes ma’am.”

“Alrighty then bye.”

“Bye babe.”

I hung up the phone and hopped in the black SUV waiting for me. Once I got there I got most of the boys stuff together. We were in Berlin so tomorrow they were doing a morning show and the O2 in Berlin is huge so it was a very important show. So by the time I finished working the boys came into get dressed and Liam’s shirt need a couple of alterations so I quickly did that.

I then made my way to the conference room to start studying. I finished pretty quickly seeing I had been doing a lot of extra studying lately to kill time.

I came out while 5sos was on stage and sat down next to Harry. He quickly put his arm around me and I leaned into him. He gave me a soft kiss on my hair.

“So tonight can I expect the same tease I got last night?” I blushed and slapped at his chest.

“Hmm I don’t know. I am the one that decides if I will let you in the room or not so you better be careful.”

“Wow you’re already getting frisky.”

After about ten minutes of conversation with the boys they left to go you know preform in front of about 100,000 fans. I sat there for a while just thinking. I couldn’t seem to silence the doubts in the back of my mind. I mean I have worked so hard in life to get the grades, the job, the apartment, and even the guys, but it never occurred to me that someday I might have to give some of it up for on of them. Was I really going to be the girl to drop everything for Harry Styles. I mean sure it was perfect for now, but what next this can’t be the only thing I do in life. I mean I was getting ahead of myself though. Harry probably has no intention of ever even discussing things like this. I shoved my thought away and just decided to live in the moment. 

They finished the night with story of my life as they always do and exited the stage. After about thirty more minutes of meet and greets Harry made his way over to me. He walked up and grabbed my hand. “So is tonight the night I get to show you off?”

I stood there not knowing what to say. This was a big decision and I couldn’t help but think that this meant a lot more to me than Harry. I know any girl would kill for the opportunity for a headline to say she was Harry Styles girlfriend. Don’t get me wrong I want to be its just I need serious, that’s who I am I need more.

“Harry I hate to be ‘that girl’ but I think we need to talk before this is a public thing.”

“What? Did I do something?”

I leaned in and gave him a peck on the lips, “No baby. Calm down.”

“Geeze warn a guy before you say something like that.”

“Alright ill see you in my room then?” I said with a wink.

“You dirty little girl.”

Then I was off. Giggling I made my way into the black SUV and got back to the hotel and put on my signature bedtime wear.  Then I heard a knock on the door. I grinned to myself and felt giddy. How could he do this to me, I was so nervous and excited.

“Hi there. Am I allowed to come in?”

I smiled and held out my hand for him to come in.

“Now sit. I need you to listen before I have the urge to kiss you instead of talk.”

“Oh am I that irresistible.”

“Don’t get to cocky Mr. Sexy.” I warned.

“Alright so lets talk.”

I sighed I was kind of nervous. I mean I know I was probably just being paranoid. I was just scared to get hurt. I was putting way to much thought into this and I didn’t want to overstep anything in my ‘talk’. Harry probably hadn’t even thought about it I was just a fling.

“Alright so. I don’t really know how to say this. I don’t want to be like the clingy over the top girlfriend. I want you to know casual is fine, but I just don’t know if it is just casual, but then I don’t want to make too big a deal out of it because we both know it won’t last and it wouldn’t work with the distance and travel and I don’t know. I want it to be great but I also don’t know what you want. You want me to go public but then what I just disappear. I just want to save myself the trouble you know.”

“The trouble. So what you’re saying is this is just nonchalant. Just another guy.” He said with anger heavy in his tone.

“No of course not. I just don’t want to get hurt Harry. I want to just jump in but we both know it won’t work.”

“So why even try is what you’re saying.” He was clearly hurt and angry. It made it even harder because I really did like him. As much as I thought it wasn’t possible he clearly liked me.

“No that’s not what I am saying.” I yelled slightly.

Then he got up pretty angrily and pushed passed me.

“Well you better figure out what you are saying.” Then he left and slammed the door.

I sat on my bed totally confused of what happened. I listened to what he said though, I knew I needed to figure out what I wanted.  So I sat on my bed half crying thinking about what I really wanted and what I needed.

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