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“William come down here now.” I screamed for the third time.

“What mom.” He said with his trademark tone.

“So you didn’t hear me the first two times or you did and chose to ignore me.


“Hmmhm.” I replied to his lack of response, but I was over it.

“You need to make sure your room is clean and then you better have your Latin homework done before we leave. I don’t want to worry about it later.” He walked a way with a yes mom and I knew that even with his smart alike tone he would do it. I finished washing the dishes and called out to George and Daniel. “Boys its time to go. Get your stuff and head to the car.” I heard some groans and a couple slaps before they emerged from the computer room. They were already dressed for soccer practice so I didn’t have to worry about being late. I was fortunate enough this year because the boys had practice at the same time.  George was in sixth grade and Daniel was in eighth, but both teams practiced at the same time and place. I had waited so long for this year to come. I was always going back and forth hauling them to practice. William also got his license, which was a godsend, because that meant I didn’t have to take him or Daniel to school at six thirty.  He also could drive himself too and from soccer and basketball. That kid loved his sports, but he was also a total nerd. I knew that he would never let his friends know that he got a perfect score on his ACT as a sophomore.

Daniel and George were taking a long time to get their bags so I yelled up at them again. At the same time I heard the garage door open.  In ran Isabelle, her blonde hair bouncing up and down. She was my sweat baby girl, and I had no idea where that blonde came from but she was a firecracker so it matched her personality. She had gone over to Alexandria’s house after school to play for a while. Alexandria was Niall and Sophia’s middle child. Between Dexter who was George’s age, and Laura, who had just turned two. They lived only two blocks away and seeing that Alex and Izzy were the exact same age they were inseparable.  Dexter and George were also best friends and played soccer together, which was convenient.

Harry followed soon after Izzy carrying a jug of milk and some diet coke.

He greeted me with a kiss on the cheek, and still had a huge grin on his face. I knew it was because he had some sort of adorable and funny conversation with Izzy. He was wrapped around her finger and as much as I loved her it was adorable to see her be a classified daddy’s girl. 

“Alright I am leaving with the boy’s. Sophia is picking up today so I should be home in about twenty minutes. You need to start boiling the water for the pasta though and I think Iz has some math homework too.”

“Alright where is Will?”

“He is upstairs, he is suppose to have his homework done in thirty minutes so check, but we both know he will do it.”

“Of course. Hope he doesn’t need any help.” I laughed at his very true comment.  Since will had gotten into high school I couldn’t help him with his homework any more. He was into math and science and I hadn’t done any of that since I was in high school.

With one final warning to George and Daniel I walked toward the elevator leading to our private garage. We did end up moving into a penthouse. As much as I didn’t want to with four kids it was a must. It was very nice, of course I had hired a decorator seeing that wasn’t my strong suit. I climbed into my Honda Odyssey, which was of course not my only car, and waited a minute before the boys climbed in. I made the short drive to Sophia and Niall’s building and drove to the back by their garage and saw Dexter waiting. We were off and it was moments like this when I really thought about how amazing my life was.

The boys had gone on several tours since their first contract, they were now the highest selling boy band in history, and continued to make more albums. They were all based out of New York now. Of course it originated from the fact that my business was here, but that was so long ago now that it just felt like their home. Harry and I had gotten married within six months of our engagement and ten short moths later William was born. After will was born the rest of the boys truly started settling down. That is when they all made their move to NY and we became like one giant extended family. Zayn and Perrie actually got married two years before Harry and I, but didn’t have kids for a while. They had two kids now though Aaron who was 12 and Lily who was 10. Liam had married Sophia, which got confusing sometimes, and they had one daughter named Zara who was 7 and two boys, Luke who was 10 and Zander who was 16 and very good friends with Will. Then Louis and Eleanor got married about six months after Harry and I. They had four kids as well Kate, Lizzie, Bella, and Claire who were respectively, 15, 13, 10, and 7. We always laughed about how it would be Eleanor who would have four girls.  We all lived pretty close and had lots of time spent together. All of them went to the same school and even now the media still had a field day with that. 

The girls were my sisters, obviously Sophia really was, but we had a blast together. The boys still worked together everyday and were just as immature as they were twenty years ago.

They now release an album about every three years and pour their soul into making it. They however, to our request only go on about ten date tours every four or five years. They still played at the huge concerts, like the AMA’s and the Jingle ball and stuff like that. They still had a huge fan base even though they were almost forty.

Eleanor and Sophia,  were both stay at home moms, which was great because they were always watching the kids and we worked just like one big family. They took all of the little kids to school and it made my life so much easier. Perrie was still an amazing superstar who had cut back on the hours just like the boys. Sophia and I still ran MacKei enterprises, but by now we had thousands of employee’s. As bad as it sounds that meant we had full control over our hours, which were mostly spent doing photo shoots. Of course I made sure I put in the work.  The company was now the top of the fortune 500 list. I knew my kids were spoiled but it was never too much. I made sure that I donated at least 50 million a year too charities.

After I dropped the boys off I made my way home. I came into a beautiful sight. Will was playing drums as Izzy and Harry sang the latest Taylor Swift song. They were having so much fun and when the song came to an end I clapped very loudly and they took a bow. I let them continue and went into the kitchen to finish the noodles for spaghetti. We sat down at the table and all started talking about our days. As will talked about how he and his friends did some sort of ridiculous dare at lunch, which involved milk, all I could think was how perfect my life was. I had the best Husband in the world and the best children in the world. Will continued and started talking about, Kate.

“So mom?”

“Yes.” I said with a very curious tone.

“So you know Kate and I’s anniversary was coming up. I wanted to do something special you know and I need your help.”
I clapped my hands and yelled a yes maybe to enthusiastically.

“Wow there the boy needs to some of it on his own.” Harry replied in that damn British accent that made my still want to jump him, even at 38 years old.

 “He still gets a little help from his mamma.”

“Mom don’t embarrass me though.”

“What are you talking about I am not embarrassing.”

He laughed and I gave him my most innocent look. I was really excited though. They had been just as inseparable fort the first ten years as Izzy and Alex. But when they got to be 11 and 10 Will asked her out almost as a joke seeing they were only 11 years old. However over time it became very real and now they were celebrating their fifth anniversary as 16 year olds. I laughed at the thought, but then returned to the conversation and started helping Will brainstorm.


Author's Note:
Thank you so much if you actually read it. Obviously it is a little unrealistic but that is what fiction is for might as well go big. I hope you liked it!!!


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