Chapter 16

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“Peanut!” My father exclaimed as he stood up to greet me. That was always our nickname and it made me smile when he called me it. I gave both of my parents tight hugs after being away for so long it was actually really nice to see them. They may be the strictest parents in the world but they were also the best.

I sat down and the waiter came to the table getting drink orders.

“So sweetheart how has work been? It must be crazy getting to go all over the world.”
“Oh my goodness, mom it has been so amazing, I have seen all of these beautiful places and the Eifel tower was amazing. There are just all of these people all of the time and it’s so crazy. It really makes you have to stop and think before you get caught up with everything.” I finished my rambling and my mom gave me a huge smile, “It must be fun though meeting all sorts of new people.” Then she leaned into my dad, “And this man still hasn’t taken me to Paris.” I laughed a little and continued the conversation with my mom, but took notice of my father’s unhappy face. I knew as soon as we got into dinner he would bring up his concerns.

Our dinner arrived and my mom was helping me drag out the conversation because we both knew as soon as we were finished my dad would start.

About five minutes into dinner we had finally reached that time.

“So sweetheart you must be really busy with all of the studying.”

“Don’t worry dad. I find plenty of time everyday.”

“Good that’s what I like to hear. I bet they will miss you though when you have to leave the tour in a couple of weeks.”

My jaw dropped what did he mean. “What are you talking about dad?”
“We all know you are going to get into business school. For heaven sake the President of the school is practically your uncle.”

“I hadn’t necessarily decided that’s what I was doing.”
“What do you mean. You have always talked about business school. Always telling me that Law wasn’t for you, you had to run the world someday.”

I knew he was right. That had always been my plan. I liked the power and I wanted to be a successful and empowered woman. I wanted to run my own company and be a success in the male dominated business world.

I sat there wondering if I was going to be the girl to scratch her life goals because of some boy. I couldn’t be that girl. I always told people growing up that I could make it and I was going to be even bigger than my father.

I loved Harry there was no doubt there, but was that enough. I thought about how I would blame him for my shortcomings in my career. I knew there was a clear choice. So after a minute of silence at the small table I answered my father. “Of course dad. I just forgot that it would start so soon.” I replied with a sigh. His face lit up and I knew that as much as my heart hurt it’s what I wanted too. 

I took my test tomorrow and I knew that as nervous as I was it would be a breeze. I didn’t spend all of my life only sleeping for two hours a day for nothing. If I did pass the test I was almost positive I would get the direct admit to Columbia’s business school. My uncle was the president and I had the resume. Direct admit meant that I started right away.  The whole process would only take a few weeks and before you know it I would be back in New York permanently.

I spent another hour at dinner with my parents before they got in their taxi and headed home.

I decided to walk all the way back it would be a great place to think everything through.

God dammit why did Harry have to do this too me. I knew that if I was going to follow through with my career there could be no long distance or ill fly here or there to meet you. It was done. I had to stop crying before I could confront Harry, but it had to be tonight because I knew I would change my mind if I waited. The heart is a powerful place. However as much as I loved Harry I did truly want to follow my own dreams.

I finally came got to the hotel and I walked right threw the crowd of paps by the front door. I guess they figured I would be with Harry not just walking on the street. I made my way threw the lobby and up to our room.

I sat down in the desk chair and went over what I was going to say. I waited just sitting in the dark. I slowly cried a single tear dropping down my cheek every minute.

At midnight the door slowly opened and Harry walked in. His smile disappeared as he studied my face.

“Is everything alright Nina?”


Author’s Note:

Sorry for the end but you will just have to wait and see. I also want to stress how much she loves Harry and her career. It is never bad to want to follow you dreams.

I wonder how Harry is going to feel? Also this chapter is a bit short, but I had lots of homework sorry!!!



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