Chapter 9

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I put my books and laptop away and made my way back to the stage area. When I got there the boys were about five minutes away from going on stage. Harry gave me a smile filled with relief and I gave him a flirty smile back that included me biting my lip before walking around to my seat.  I sat down next to Perrie in a small section of five seats and about seven security members around the small area.

I quickly introduced myself to Perrie, “Hi, I am Nina the stylist, and you must be Perrie.”

“That would be me nice to meet you!”

“I must say that I am a huge fan of you guys, and as much as I love my job it would be amazing to style for you guys someday.”

“Oh my gosh that would be amazing, the boys have been looking better this week, I wondered why. My parents actually complemented Zayn’s outfit.”

“No way really? I told him I would make sure he looked great for your parents, so I’m glad they noticed.”

The conversation was easy from there. We talked about how this was my first concert and how I would probably never get used to the amount of fans there were. I never mentioned anything about Harry and I because I wasn’t really sure what to say and didn’t want to get ahead of myself.

The concert was of course amazing. I am no hardcore fan girl but there are definitely certain songs that I love. They also sounded great live and with all of the energy from the thousands of screaming fans it was a terrific experience.  My favorite song is Through the Dark, which Harry knows so when they started singing it he stared right at my singing to me just as promised.  He winked at me and that drew some attention from the screaming girls around me, all arguing that he winked directly at them.

They finished the show with Story of my Life, which really is a beautiful song. Then they made their way off stage and over to all of the girls with backstage passes. I sat with Perrie waiting for them to finish, and Harry kept glancing at me and the eye contact made me giddy. As things were winding down I stood up and walked over to get my backpack. I was about to head out to the bus when I felt an armslide over my shoulders. Harry pulled me into him and planted a kiss on my cheek.

“You weren’t trying to get away from me no where you?”

“No I was just going to get on the bus.”
“We can’t do that together?” He questioned.

“You are really ready for all the questions, because I am the one reaching here.”

“What is that supposed to mean?”
“You know what I mean. You are Harry Styles and I am just Nina.”

“That’s my favorite part.” I looked up at Harry how could his words be so perfect and without a second thought he grabbed my hand and walked over to the boys. They all eyed our intertwined hands.

“Ya’ll have something to say?” a smiling Liam asked.

Harry gave me a smile, never letting go of my hand, and responded, “Lads this is my girlfriend Nina.”

There were a couple of whoops before they pulled me into a hug.

“Damn does that mean he gets all of the cool shoes now?” A fake hurt Niall said.

Laughing I said, ”Of course not we will always be shoe buddies.”

We walked out of the guarded area and I pulled my hand out from Harry’s. I was nervous you can’t blame me, we had been dating for what three hours officially. Harry looked a little sad and confused.

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