Chapter 8

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They all said hi as they walked by and mumbled a good night before getting into their bunks. Harry lingered a little. He sat down on the opposite side of the table from me.

“Where were you during the concert?”
“I was studying like I told you earlier.” I said curtly.

I think he kind of picked up on my mood but then he said, “Too bad I really wished you were there.”

I knew I shouldn’t be mad but I mean still I was a girl with feelings and so I was going to be passive aggressive like I wanted. “Well there will be plenty more.” I said. I knew it sounded bitchy, but I just stood up and went back to my room.

He made no attempt to follow me. I slipped into my room, putting my laptop back in my bag.

I was almost in bed when I heard a small knock and then with a weak whisper Harry said, “Nina, can I come in?”

What no. I wasn’t ready for this. What was he trying to do? I quickly collected myself. “Ya, come in.”

He slowly opened the door. I sat down on the bed next to my pillow and he stood at the end with his eyes fixed on mine. He broke the silence. “Why did you avoid me today?’

“I wasn’t avoiding you. I really have class and I got a lot done it was very productive.”

“It was our first concert. You know you could have come and watched.”

“I mean seriously there will be plenty of other ones.”

“Alright fine then why didn’t you at least stay afterwards?”

“What do you want me to do follow you around? I was there right before the encore, you saw me then.”

“Ya saw you getting kisses from Niall.”

I raised my voice slightly to show how silly he was being, “It was on the cheek, and rightfully deserved, because those shoes were cool as hell.”

We sat in silence for a minute. The annoyance and desire finally got to me. I blurted out, “Why did you have those pictures deleted. Am I embarrassing or something? No I am sorry never mind. I get it we are friends and that’s fine. I shouldn’t have asked.” I rambled on.

“Wait is that what you think? That I was embarrassed of you.”

“Well ya I mean. I am not Cara. I am just Nina and I am not a model. But that’s okay because its me and…”

 He closed the distance to beside the bed quickly then effectively shut up my babbling by smashing his lips to mine. 

Goddamn he tasted so good. His hands were in my hair and his tongue was licking my bottom lip and I happily let his tongue inside. He pushed me back onto the bed. We stayed like that for several minutes. Our lips never parting, hands roaming, bodies pressed against each other, I had my hands tangled in his curly hair. We pulled apart, breathless.

After a couple moments of silence and staring he said, “I had the pictures deleted, because the fans would have hated you. Wow that came out wrong. But you understand what I am trying to say. They would have sent you death threats, and I don’t want that to happen.”

I nodded understanding his intentions. Then he continued, “I would also love to be friends, but I am not sure that is going to work seeing that I want more.”

Wait what? Did Harry Styles just admit he liked me. With that knowledge I could finally relax. I replied, “I would like that. More than friends. But you still have to get out you know. Waking up together will definitely fuel some gossip.”

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