26. Lagos

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A whole year had passed since Andria had joined the Avengers and now she was fifteen years old.

The last months went by with Steve, Natasha and her, trying to train Wanda Maximoff, Vision, Rhodey and Sam Wilson into being a team.

The new Avengers' team.

After the events of Sokovia they hadn't heard anything from Thor or Bruce, but the case wasn't the same with Tony and Clint.

Steve, Natasha and Andria hadn't seen Clint, but they would talk either with text messages or on the phone.

Also they would do the same with Tony and occasionally see him.

After all they were still friends.

After a long time of preparing and planning today was the day Steve, Sam, Natasha, Andria and Wanda had traveled all the way to Lagos of Nigeria to prevent an attack on the police there.

There were rumors about Brock Rumlow, an ex-HYDRA agent, turning into an independent terrorist and adopting the code name Crossbones.

Andria, Natasha and Wanda were all sitting in a café right outside the police department of Lagos.

They were in different tables, though, so they wouldn't draw attention.

Sam was standing on the rooftop of a nearby building, looking from a high level and Steve was inside another building, looking from the window.

Vision and Rhodey hadn't come in this mission, since it was better to stay in America and keep everything under control.

"Alright, what do you see?" Steve's voice sounded through the communicator.

"Standard beat cops. Small station. Quiet street. It's a good target," Wanda answered.

"There's an ATM on the south corner, which means?"
"Both cross streets are one-way."
"So, compromised escape routes."
"Means our guy doesn't care about being seen. He isn't afraid to make a mess on the way out. You see that Range Rover halfway up the block?"
"Yeah, the red one? It's cute."

"It's also bulletproof which means private security, which means more guns, which means more headaches for somebody. Probably us," Natasha said from a nearby coffee table, while pretending taking a sip from her cup.

"You guys know I can move things with my mind, right?" Wanda asked through the communicator.

"Looking over your shoulder needs to become second nature," Andria stated, earning a kind of annoyed look from Wanda.

"Anybody ever tell you you're a little paranoid for a fifteen-year-old?" Sam asked her sarcastically through the communicator.
"Not to my face. Why? Did you hear something?" Andria asked him on the same tone.

The two of them had met each other for the first time some months ago, but became friends quickly.

They were something like sarcasm buddies and would keep teasing each other all the time.

"Eyes on the target, folks. This is the best lead we've had on Rumlow in six months. I don't want to lose him," Steve said, before they could begin teasing each other.

"If he sees us coming, that won't be a problem. He kind of hates us," Sam scoffed.

"Sam, see that garbage truck? Tag it," Steve said.

"That track's loaded for max weight. And the driver's armed," Sam said.
"It's a battering ram," Natasha's voice sounded.

"Go now."

"What?" Wanda asked, hearing Steve.
"He's not hitting the police," Steve explained quickly and Wanda got up along with Andria and Natasha.

She used her powers to levitate herself and followed Sam who was carrying Steve, flying with the help of his suit's wings.

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