33. Phone Call

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Steve, Sam, Andria and T'Challa were all led inside different offices. However, the walls were made of glass, so Andria could see exactly what each of them were doing.

Sam was just sitting, doing nothing, T'Challa was reading a book and Steve was talking with Tony. Andria was thinking about what would happen next, before Natasha got inside the office, talking on the phone and approaching her.

"Yeah, she's here. I know. We're doing everything we can. She's fine except for a small scratch. I'll let you two talk," she said and handed Andria the phone with a small smirk.

"It's your aunt."
"I see this is really amusing to you," Andria said, taking the phone from her.
"You had it coming. Good luck," Natasha said and got out of the room.

Andria sighed and prepared to speak.

"Hey," she said as nonchalantly as she could. All she took for an answer was a sharp laugh from Maria.

"Hey to you too! So, what's up, huh? Tell me your news. I heard you went rogue! How exciting! You took some men from the German Special Forces down. Look at you go. Steve and Sam must be really proud of their little soldier, huh? You know, I always knew you were a fighter, but that was...something. You wanna know my news? Well, I'm currently living in Seattle, worrying about nothing, when I get a phone call saying my niece... A fifteen-year-old Avenger refused to sign the Sakovia Accords and lied about coming to stay with me and retiring, just so she could go with Captain America and Falcon, who, by the way, I hoped were better than that, to I don't know, what was it again? Oh yeah, that's right! Hunt down the man that bombed the UN and in the process break every law I can imagine. Besides that, I'm peachy!"

"Interesting!" Andria answered with the same sarcasm her aunt used.

"Tell me something...WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?" Maria yelled the last sentence.

"There she goes!" Andria almost sang, ignoring her aunt's rage.

"I don't think you get the importance of the situation, honey! If Nat and Tony don't fix this and if you don't sign while you still can, you're going to juvy or even worse jail. I didn't spend every single minute of the last nine years raising you, only to see you rott in a cell Andria. I would never use these words to you no matter what you did, no matter how badly you screwed up, but you know what? If your parents--"

"Don't you dare talk to me about my parents. I'm doing this for them," Andria cut her off, almost yelling.

"Oh my God! How are you doing this for them, Andria? How exactly are you doing this for them? By getting yourself inside a cell...or killed? Have you thought about this? Have you thought that you could get killed anytime by doing this?"

"Are you listening to yourself right now? I am an Avenger. I could get killed anytime because of that, not because I didn't sign a stupid piece of paper. Don't you realise that? By signing that...thing, I surrender my right to choose. I betray everything I believe in. I betray their memory. Don't you remember? You told me...You were the one who told me they died doing the right thing! I didn't lose my parents for nothing! I lost them so other people could live. The same people who owe their lives to my parents! If they had obeyed, I would still have them. I would still be at school now and I wouldn't see pity in everyone's face. I wouldn't hear the word orphan everywhere I went. And I wouldn't have met these people I call my family today. You wouldn't be anything more than just a cool aunt. I wouldn't have this void inside of me. My worries would probably just be getting good grades and going out with friends. Being in...--Caring for someone without being afraid of losing them. Without...without having to see them die...so I get to live. But they didn't obey. They didn't obey and I am this whole different person. Do you understand this?"

"You chose this life, Andria. You chose to drop out of school. You chose to be an Avenger and risk your life. You chose to have to be afraid of losing everyone you love."

"You're right. I chose all of these. And my choice was based on the fact I lost an ideal life because of another simple choice. Made by my parents. And you know what it was. Sacrifice everything for what they believed was right. And that's why no one and nothing will ever make me ignore what I believe is right just to have an ideal life. And I think we both know I prefer to die than surrender my will and my beliefs to any law or whatever authority tries to control me!"

"Sometimes, I wish I had taken you away and lived a normal life instead of staying at S.H.I.E.L.D., while it still wasn't too late for you not to be sucked in this life,"
Maria almost whispered.

"But you didn't. So back off and stay where you at. If you care about what I believe and if you care about the reason your brother and best friend died, don't come here and don't try to stop me or...reason me in any way," Andria said firmly.

She didn't wait to hear an answer. She just hung up and left the phone on the table in front of her.

She saw Steve getting out of the office he was in and going in Sam's one, leaving behind a disappointed Tony.

Andria glanced at the phone one last time and got up to go join Steve and Sam.

She knew Maria wouldn't call back. She knew she wouldn't come searching for her. And even though it hurt knowing that that might have been the last time they had talked to each other, it was probably for the best.

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