Story time..

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 (Cassie's P.O.V)*


Before I came here I was happy i had a wonderful life with my family.Me and my dad were best friends he always new how to make me smile.One day my mom found out she was having a baby.So we had a party not a baby shower just a party with family and friends.I went to go get a drink and saw me mom outside talking to a man,that I never seen before.They were soon done talking he left,and she came back inside looking worried.I didn't want ask cuz this is a time to be happy,but inside i knew something was going to happen.Everyone was in the other side of the house when I came across.To see my dad fighting with a man who's face was half covered.

I scream a little but no one came the guy push my dad to the ground hard.Then came to me"Wow you look just like your mother."he said grinning at me.I was so scared that i was speechless."Don't touch her"my dad says trying to get up.The man walk to my dad pulled out a pocket knife.He looks back at me and said"You and your mother belong with me! And now you get to watch your father suffer!" Tears were coming out of my eyes as I watch this man killing him.Blood was everywhere.I ran to my dad holding his hand "Cassie you have to stay strong Don't forget that I love you".There he died his dead eyes looking back at me.I cryed as the man laughed at threw me down to the floor taking off my shirt,and he cut me a line one my stomach."a good way to remember me,and know you know how it feels to lose someone."

I was now screaming the pain was crazy. i can hear people coming in.The man ran off.I then look up see my mom gasp and run to me she was crying.She then looked up and saw my father dead.She sobbed and held my hand.I then woke up in the hospital with my mom by my side.The police came said they found the mans body he commuted suicide. right after what he did.Life was know really hard for the both of us.

{End of Flashback}

"So know I cut cuz i still feel this pain.This ugly feeling."I began to cry and feel a pair of arms wrap around me "Shh its okay,Its all over know" Gerard whispers in my hear.In his arms I felt safe,I wish now he will stay with me forever.

We soon pull away looking back at the sky."is your mom still pageant?" Gerard ask."yup shes 8 mouths now.Shes having a boy,I'm having a brother."I half smile thinking how happy my mom was about having a other child.

"well that's nice I want a kid someday a family,someone to look out for you know?"Gerard says happily."Yeah a family".

I now began to think a family..with Gerard,Me as Cassie Way.With are beautiful children all around.Yeah that sounds nice.I was so in thought that I didn't notice Gerard was trying to get my attention.

"I'm sorry what happen?" I ask.He smiled at stood up "I think you should go back to your room." "Oh"Gerard helps me up and walks me to my room.While walking he holds my hand.So soft and cold.We were at my door and I hug him goodbye.He kissed my cheek "See you tomorrow?" "Yeah of course i nod and walk in. I didn't want to change into my PJs.i lay down on my bed and think about the kiss Gerard gave me.Does he like me?I thought to my self.then fell asleep.

Not Much of a Romance(GerardWay/MCR Fanfic)NEEDTOEDIT!Where stories live. Discover now