Chapter 5: Trial

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Albus POV:

'The black lake?!' I exclaimed, 'That's the first task?'

Gellert nodded, skimming a pebble on the surface of the water, 'That's vhat I've heard,'

I shuffled in the autumn leaves that cushioned me against the tree in front of the water, 'What are you planning to do? You can't breathe under water and it will surely be a long time,'

He shrugged, 'I'll think of something,'

I was very stressed for him but smiled at his courage, 'Do you do everything on whim?'

Gellert skimmed another pebble before turning around to face me, 'Mostly,'

'You know everyone else has already figured there's out right? Maguire's tactical, you can bet he's got loads of people helping him,' I explained, 'If you want I can look into it,'

He chuckled, 'Don't vorry, I know vhat I'm doing. If it vould put your mind at ease though then I vouldn't mind a helping hand-'

'I'm glad you asked!' I excitedly interrupted, 'I'm going to make sure you have a solid plan to help you win the tournament, everything will be fine!'

Gellert raised an eyebrow in amusement, 'Thankyou, I appreciate the help,'

I opened a book but seconds later slammed it shut, catching Gellert by surprise so much he fucked up his skim. I could tell he was annoyed but he didn't utter a word against me. He wouldn't. 'I have something!' I jumped to my feet and skipped over to him.

But before I had opened my mouth he pulled something from his pocket. It was green and slimy and looked a bit like a plant, 'I already have that,' he smirked, splitting the plant in half and handing one to me.

'How did you-'

'You'll find I can see right through you Albus,' he said rather pleased with himself, 'That is, if you don't shut yourself off,'

I cleared my throat, realising he could see into my head this whole time, I closed myself off so he could no longer do that and tried to suppress the memory of thinking anything embarrassing around him. I didn't want to know he knew.

'In future, remember to do that to anyone you meet. You never know who could be a danger,' he advised, winking at me before turning his attention back to the plant, 'I think I'm going to use this...but you can't tell anyone, I don't vant to be an idiot and use it in the moment so I plan to try it out first...vant a go?'

My brain was screaming no at me, this would he extremely dangerous, taking something I wouldn't know what effect it would have on me. I could die.....but I didn't really care as I wanted to prove I was just as adventurous and spontaneous as Gellert is. Yes, I'm going back on what I said to him before, besides, maybe I actually am? Maybe I just haven't met the right person to bring it out of me yet, just as Gellert said. Maybe that person is him.

Don't be afraid to take a leap!

His words echoed in my head as I decided what to do. Well, I think I did it before I actually decided. I shoved the plant into my mouth before I could change my mind and spluttered as it tasted disgusting, as if a slug had been forced down my throat. Once it was down though I realised quickly I couldn't breathe and needed to get into the water. I quickly stripped myself of my robes and clothes and dived in.

I found that I could breathe as if I was above the water. My hands had become fish like and gills had formed on my neck. There was a disturbance to the water as I saw a fish like Gellert in here with me. I pulled my eyes from his torso...eventually, and spoke for the first time under here to discover it was also distorted, 'This is crazy,'

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