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"All I ask of tonight is that you read this page a couple times and get a good understanding. Other than that you can do what you want." Our history teacher told us.

I took the thick book out of the desk and shoved it in my backpack, adding to the weight of my other homework.

"Have a nice day everybody!" He smiled and everybody stood up. I zipped up the heavy bag and threw it on my shoulders. Mainly everybody had already ran out, but I preferred to take my time.

I walked out of the school and stood at the side to wait for Kai. I aimlessly scrolled through my phone when a finger touched my shoulder.

"You coming?" Kai asked.

"Yeah, I was waiting for you." I smiled and walked forward.

"So how was history?" He asked, walking awfully close to me.

"Good, he gave us like zero work to do." I told him.

"You're so lucky, my history teacher gives us like hours of work to do." He groaned.

"I'm sorry to hear that." I patted his shoulder.

"Have you talked to Yeji at all?" He asked another question.

"No. Haven't seen her at all yet in fact." I replied pulling up my backpack.

"I just hope this works." He sighed.

"It will, don't worry." I punched his shoulder.

We continued the walk home making small talk.


I shuffled my hands around my pockets looking for my keys. My fingers eventually found the metal and I shoved them into the lock. I walked in and found a note sitting on the table. Of corse, my dad was working late again.

I put my backpack on a stool and texted Jennie to see what time she would be here. My eyes darted around the cabinets and eventually found some form of food that was edible.

I'm leaving soon, what's your address? And is anybody else home?

My dads working so nobody else will be home. I live on Pine street, I'll just stand outside.

Alright, see you there ;)

I threw my backpack on the only stool in the kitchen. I managed to find one of my coats in the box and stood outside to wait for Jennie. I sat on my phone making it look like I was doing something.

Then I heard the squeal of tires in front of my house. A black car was what Jennie came out of. She wore the same thing she had the rest of the day, a casual shirt and skinny black jeans.

She flashed me a smile and waved. Running up to my porch she engulfed me in a hug.

"I can't wait to hang out!" She let go and looked me in the eye.

"I thought I was just helping you with work?" I asked.

"It never hurts to have a little fun. Now let's go." She grabbed onto my hand which made me flush red.

"May I ask where we are going before you kidnap me?" I asked again.

"Get in and you'll see." She told me and went into the drivers side of the car. I hesitated, but realized what's the worst that can happen.

I hopped in the car and put on my seatbelt. Jennie began driving to who knows where. It stayed silent for a couple of seconds until she sparked a conversation.

"Any guys you like?" She asked.

"Yeah, one already asked me out." I lied.

She slammed on her breaks and my body flew forward.

"Already? Way to go!" She patted me shoulder.

"Uh, thanks?" I replied.

"Who is the lucky guy?" She asked.

"Huening Kai." I lied once again.

"Solid choice." She nodded and began driving again.

"So where are we going?" I asked one last time.

"I honestly don't know," Jennie shrugged, "I just like driving, and I want to get to know you better."

"Why don't we go to the library? I can help you study there and there is lots to do." I suggested.

"Well I don't have any ideas so let's go." She smiled and turnt around the car.


Jennie bit the end of her pen as I explained the rest of the problem.

"Just add the two together and you get the answer." I explained.

"How come there has to be so many steps?" Jennie groaned, the girl threw her head back and poured her lips.

"I don't know either." I shrugged.

"I think I get it though. Can I try the next one?" She asked.

"Sure." I replied.

She picked up her pen and began scribbling on the paper beside her as she put the numbers into the calculator. A few minutes later she pushed the calculator my way.

"Is it right?" She asked.

"Yeah, good job." I congratulated. Jennie smirked and closed the math book.

"I'm done with this for today." She told me packing up her stuff. I checked the time and we had already been at this for more than an hour.

"My dad should be home soon." I said to her.

"Alright, I'll drop you off." She replied.

"Thanks" I smiled as we walked out to her car.

(A/N: ahh sorry I took so long to update. I'm just lazy 🙈)

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