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"You sure you have to go? I'm sure my parents would let you stay." Lisa pouted. We sat in front of my house in her parked car.

"You know I have to work on my presentation for English." I told her. She sighed and threw her head back on the seat of the car.

"Why do you have to be such a responsible person." She whined facing towards me.

"It's just how I am Lili." I replied.

"Alright. Call me later?" She practically begged.

"Of corse. I'll see you later." I smiled at her and unbuckled my seatbelt. I turnt towards the door until her hand reached for my arm.

"You're forgetting something." Lisa told me.

"Did I leave my charger?" I asked. I began to rummage around my bag, I did find it in there though.

Lisa laughed, "A kiss stupid."

"Oh, I didn't know I was supposed to I'm so sorry." I began rambling and apologizing. My face turnt red.

"Just shut up." Lisa laughed. I immediately shut my mouth. Lisa's smiled faded as she quickly pecked me on the lips.

"Sorry." I apologized.

"Just don't forget it next time." She smiled kissing my pale cheek.

"Don't worry, I won't." I smiled at her. She pouted once more before agreeing to let me go. I slammed the car door shut and waved her goodbye. She sped off as she bid me goodbye.

"So is she your girlfriend?" I heard a male voice behind me.

"No, don't worry Father." I laughed turning around. My dad stood at the front door, still having messy hair and untucked shirt. His beard had grown out into a grey stubble. Right above that was his glasses, couldn't see and inch in front of him even with them on.

"Well I have to go back to work. Knock please if you come into my office." He smiled and opened the door for me. I quickly ran inside and dashed into my room.

I threw my bag on the messy floor and jumped on top of the bed. Thankfully it didn't break. I wrapped myself around the soft blankets and pulled out my phone. Homework could be done later anyways.

My dad softly talked on the phone in the background. He had recently started working from home which was honestly really fun. Before he would get home when I was already fast asleep. Being alone was getting pretty boring. But ever since he's been home we've been able to have a lot more fun together.

It seemed as soon as I opened my phone I fell asleep.


"Wake up, food is done." A voice which I assumed was my dad told me. I could feel him lightly shake me.

"Just give me a second." I groaned.

"Don't fall asleep again." He laughed and I heard my door click shut.

I rubbed my eyes and rolled off of my bed. I could feel that my hair was a mess. My voice was groggy and my eyes barely stayed open.

I sighed before leaving my room and went off to eat.

(A/n: sorry for the short chapter :( but the updates may get slow soon since I'm working on something else. I should update as soon as possible though so I'll see you then!)

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