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A week later

I had already gotten used to school again. And it also seemed like me a Yeji's plan was working. Lisa avoided us and whenever she would look over she seemed very sad or disgusted.

It was currently Friday and I was in my last period. My pencil tapped against some notes I had stopped writing. Impatiently I waited for the five minutes to pass up.

"Listen guys I know your excited for the weekend but please just pay attention the last five minutes." Our teacher told us. I shook myself awake and began frantically scribbling down the notes. Apparently everybody was doing exactly as I as they quickly wrote everything down. He groaned and kept explaining everything.

My hand ached but with only one minute left I had written everything down. Quickly I packed up my stuff while the bell rang. I practically ran out and dashed over to my locker. Being in that crowded room any longer was not ideal. I put in my combination and shoved my stuff from class inside.

I threw my backpack over my shoulders and shut my locker shut. Quickly I ran out of the crowded halls and threw the school doors open. When I finally got outside I saw Yeji standing in front of her car. I slowed my pace and walked over to her.

"Oh hey!" She smiled and waved at me.

"Hey! How'd you get out so early?" I asked her. She looked down at me and laughed.

"I should be asking how you got out so late." She smirked. I groaned and pushed her out of the way. She kept laughing as I stormed in her car.

"So where do you want to go?" Yeji asked as she got in the drivers seat. I shrugged and threw my head back against the seat.

"Why do I always have to choose?" I sighed.

"Fine, let's just go to the park." Yeji suggested. I nodded and she began driving. The bumps in the road made the car jump along with both of us in our seats. The park was only around a five minute drive away from school. Not many kids were often there since the elementary school was quite far away. So it was a hotspot for high schoolers. Music softly played in the background as Yeji pulled into the parking lot and parked.

"Good job on not crashing." I told her as I unbuckled. She scoffed and quickly got out of the car.

"I mean I don't have to take you to school everyday." She replied. I ran out the car and followed her.

"You don't have to be so rude." I crossed my arms and pouted. Yeji only laughed and pushed me away.


Both of us sat on the swings. It definitely wasn't comfortable and I was kinda falling off but it was ok. Yeji only rocked slowly but I was practically at the top already.

"Come on go faster!" I yelled at her smiling wide. She looked up at me squinting her eyes.

"I'm good." She told me. I groaned and began to slow down.

"You're no fun." I replied. Yeji nodded yes and I groaned.

"Well I might get motion sick. Also you might too so don't go too fast." She mothered me. I only laughed and shook my head. She was always like this, making sure everybody was fine.

"You're such a mom. Just have some fun for once!" I told her. She softly rubbed her eyes and looked back at me.

"Oh hey Ryujin!" She looked behind me. I whipped my head around to see the blonde girl hopping towards us.

"Hey! What are you guys doing here?" She smiled at us brightly. The dimples on her face sort of made it look like she had cat whiskers.

"We're just hanging out. We normally do after school." Yeji told her.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her.

"I normally go here on fridays with Yuna but she didn't feel good today so I just went alone." She ran her fingers through her soft hair as she talked. She actually did a great job taking care of her hair despite changing it every few months. I pray for her scalp.

"Ah, me and Y/n normally hang out after school for a bit if nothing is happening." Yeji explained.

"How come I'm never invited?" She smirked crossing her arms. Yeji turnt red and began frantically apologizing. Both of us just laughed at her.

"Yeah, you ditching your friend group for me?" I turnt over to her. She only turnt redder and shoved her face into her palms. The blonde haired girl laughed even harder.

"We see each other everyday Hwang I don't care if you hang out with your girlfriend for a bit." She told her.

"We're actually fake dating so get it right Shin." She snapped back. I sighed knowing they would probably bicker for hours on end at this rate.

"Why don't we all go grab some food together?" Ryujin suggested. I perked up.

"Are you trying to ask my girlfriend on a date?" She asked. Ryujin became flushed and looked down.

"No just the three of us have never hung out together." She told her. Yeji got off the swing and began walking off.

"You guys coming?" She turnt around. We both jumped up and ran over to her.


All three of us sat in front of the restaurant. The wind softly hit the back of my neck as I munched on my food. We had agreed to go to some sandwich place. It wasn't that bad so far, nothing too special though.

"I'm glad we don't have this much work this week." Ryujin suddenly said. Food was stuffed far into my mouth so I was unable to respond.

"Do you have another date or something?" Yeji smirked at her. Ryujin only groaned and began eating again. I chuckled at them.

"Well you're lucky because I have way too much work in Science. I'll just do it tomorrow though." Yeji told her.

"I don't have much work too." I chirped in. Yeji sighed again and looked at me with jealousy. I laughed at her with food almost falling out my mouth. But quickly I covered it with my hand.

"Please don't choke." Yeji told me. I nodded and kept chewing while Ryujin softly chuckled.

The three of us ate in silence for the rest of the time. I hadn't eaten since lunch and was shoving my food down my mouth. Ryujin was doing the same but Yeji took small bites and savored her food. And when me and Ryujin were done Yeji was still munching.

"Hurry up." Ryujin told her.

(A/n: hello it's me again! sorry nothing really happens this chapter i just wanted to introduce ryujin's character more. also sorry for not updating very recently me and my family went on a trip together but now i'm back! i hope you enjoyed this chapter despite it being boring and i hope to see you next time!)

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