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One month later..

it was the weekend, me and yeji sat in her room working on homework. this week we had both been slam packed. so we figured, why not study together? well not really, i was too focused on her.

ok, so maybe i did end up catching feelings for her. i mean she never stopped being touchy so what did you expect!

i studied her side profile as she wrote down her notes. slowly, my eyes made my way down, eventually landing on her lips. oh god she wasn't even doing anything and i was a blushing mess.

i shook away my thoughts and tried to focus on my work.

"hm, can you help me on this problem? i cant understand it." she pouted. oh god i was getting that feeling again. i shook it off and walked towards her.

"you just solve for x, it isn't that hard." i told her. she groaned and threw her neck back.

the neck i want to leave marks all over.

ok let's shut down that thought.

"but i don't understand it, and you're smart." yeji sighed. i laughed.

"you seem stressed, why don't we just chill today?" i asked her.

"that sounds good, but i really need to study." she told me.

"you need a break, you studied all day yesterday too. and the test isn't for a couple more days." i tried convincing her. she sat there for a second, thinking.

"can we get coffee?"


the bitter taste burnt my tongue. neither of us said much. too overwhelmed with everything going on. the teachers just needed to give us a break honestly.

"did you hear ryujin got a girlfriend?" she suddenly told me. i nodded no.

"who?" i asked taking another small sip.

"ok you didn't hear it from me but," she leaned towards me and whispered in my ear, "it's chaeryeong."

"oh my god really?" my mouth opened a little from the shock. yeji giggled cutely and covered her mouth.

"they're so cute together," she fangirled, "wait let me show you a photo they took together."

she took out her phone and showed me the picture. ryujin lied on top of chaeryeongs, her head burrowed into her neck. you could tell she was sleeping. she always portrayed a cool persona but i always had a feeling she was just a big softie.

"here scroll to the next one." yeji told me.

i did as she said, but somehow accidentally exited the app entirely. and her lock screen, was me? it was a photo we had taken when we were hanging out one time. i blushed a little.

yeji turnt her phone back to her, and realized what i saw. she then began to get all flustered, and apologized. did she... like me?

don't get your hopes up now. i shook away the thought. but, she still showed me the other photo.


we had gotten back to her house now. it was getting dark and i was very tired. we both just sat on our phones. my eyes were droopy, and yeji yawned every once in a while.

"are you tired?" i asked her.

"no" she croaked out as she yawned.

"yeji you need to sleep. you've been working for a while, sometimes you need a break." i told her.

"i'm the one who takes care of you, not the other way around." she smiled softly.

"can i just take care of you for just this once?" i asked her. i got a little red at the statement.

"fine, but only if we can cuddle." she pouted. i giggled. then jumping into her bed, and she quickly followed. it was a routine for us to cuddle. but normally i would be the one in her arms, not the other way around.

she buried herself into the blankets. i opened up my arms and then she clung herself onto me. her leg draped over my body and her face was buried into my neck. softly, i began playing with her soft silver hair.

"thank you," she mumbled, clinging onto me closer, "you were there for me at one of the hardest parts of my life and i can't thank you enough."

"why are you acting like this all of a sudden?" i asked her.

then she lifted herself up to look me up in the eyes.

"there's something i haven't told you." she looked me directly in the eyes.

oh no

she softly caressed my cheek, her thumb tracing my bottom lip. oh my god i was going to pass out at any second. was this really happening? wake up y/n.

"i'm not the best with words sorry." she smiled, "but i am good at kissing." then, her soft lips pressed against mine.


instinctively i kissed her back. our lips melted together, and i felt comfort. but at the same time my heart was racing a million miles a minute.

this was different from kissing lisa. she was always so intense, so fast paced. it never felt like i got a moment to sit and breathe with her. but yeji took it slow.

she then began straddling me, kissing me more intense now. i could feel myself getting hot and flustered.

then we both parted for a breath, a string of saliva still connecting us. i was even redder than before.

"oh my god i'm so sorry. i'm gonna go." she then quickly sat herself up. i grabbed her wrist, pulling her back down on top of me.

"one, this is your house. and two don't be sorry, i've had the same feelings for you too." i told her as i intertwined my hand with hers.

"really?" she tilted her head to the side. i giggled and nodded enthusiastically.

"now, where were we?" i pulled her closer to me, kissing her softly again.

(a/n: oh my god it's been like,, 4 months since i updated?? i'm so sorry. i forget about this story a lot. and being honest, school has had me really occupied. but, i wanted to give you guys what you finally wanted since i made you wait so long. sorry it's so rushed aaa. also, sad news, i don't think there will be many chapters of this story left. maybe two or three? i will try to not take another 4 months again but no promises. thank you so much for reading this far tho, and thank you for supporting me, it means a lot.)

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