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Slowly, my eyes opened and my senses filled me once again. I almost forgot about everything that had happened, until I saw Yeji standing in front of me. Sleeping hadn't made me feel any better then I thought it would. And it looked like Yeji was as happy as me.

"Good morning." She briefly smiled at me to lighten up the mood, "Jennie left earlier, she said she'll talk to Lisa."

I nodded ok, and an awkward silence fell upon us. I played with my fingers as I heard soft tapping coming from her foot.

"Could I stay at your house for another night? I kind of want to stay with you right now." She quickly made eye contact with me, and for some reason my heart skipped a beat. Quickly I shook away my thoughts.

"Oh yeah it's fine, my dad will be home from a business trip tomorrow though." I shook my thoughts away and explained to her.

"Do you happen to have any ice cream?" She asked me another question. I sat there for a moment trying to remember.

"I think we do." I replied.

She softly nodded and mouthed to word 'ok' to me. Suddenly she quickly shuffled out of my room. I jumped out of my bed and began to follow her to what I assumed was the kitchen. I was right.

She opened the fridge to grab ice cream as I walked over to the drawers to grab us spoons. It was almost like we both read each others mind. Yeji began to walk over to the couch and I grabbed the tv remote and threw a random movie on. She began poking at the ice cream, while I dug in.

"Yeji you can eat some you know." I slightly nudged her shoulder.

"I know.." She shrugged and stared at the t.v.

I grabbed a spoonful and shook her to face me. Her eyes shot open. I groaned and force fed her. Her eyes opened more, but she smiled for the first time today.

"See? We don't need anybody. Only eachother." I smiled at her trying to cheer her up. She smiled wider, and rested her head on my shoulder.

We both kept on watching the movie. Not worrying about anything else. That was until my phone began vibrating. Without looking at who was calling, I quickly answered.

"Hello who is this?" I asked.

"It's uhm.. Lisa." She said through the line.

I mentally groaned. Really should have looked at who was calling. Yeji perked her head up and looked at me concerned.

'It's Lisa' I mouthed to her. Yeji looked grossed out at even the mention of her name.

"Can we.. talk?" She asked me. I mentally groaned.

"Make it quick." I sighed. Yeji slowly grabbed onto my hand and began rubbing it to comfort me.

"I'm sorry. I was just caught up in the moment and it's all my fault." Lisa began rambling.

"You're right. It was your fault." I told her. She quickly went quiet at my remark.

"But can we stay together? I'm sorry Y/n." Lisa begged. I bit my lip. I still cared for her deeply, and the thought of her cuddling me made me rethink my decisions.

"I want to Lisa. But I can't." I told her.

"Please?" She pleaded. I thought over everything once again. If we didn't break up our friend group would be back to normal. We would all be happy again. We would go to lunch after break and act like nothing happened.

"No. It's my final answer." I shook off those thoughts. My feelings were still there, but I would have to get over them.

"Oh.." Lisa tensed up. Yeji still held onto my hands.

"I have to go. Sorry." I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Lisa hummed in response and I quickly hung up.

I threw my head back onto the couch.

"You good?" Yeji asked me.

I nodded, "I just hate people sometimes."

She giggled and pushed the bucket of ice cream closer to me. I shoved my spoon in and once again started eating.


Surprisingly, both of our moods had improved. Not perfect, we both had been cheated on after all. But it was pretty good in my opinion. We were both in the middle of watching a YouTube video. I had already ordered food earlier and we were both stuffed from that.

"Hey, I have an idea." Yeji suddenly slammed my laptop shut. I jumped at her action, but brushed it off. I looked at her, waiting for her to explain.

"Why don't we like, fake date to get revenge?" She suggested. My brows furrowed. Last time I did something like this the result wasn't that good.

"How would that benefit us?" I questioned.

Yeji shrugged her shoulders and laughed. "I dunno. Just a little payback you know? I mean it's clear Lisa still likes you." Yeji explained.

I sat there for a second. This was much different from when me and Kai dated. I actually didn't like guys. What if I caught feelings? I don't think I'd be ready to date somebody that quick again.

"I dunno.. you know I'm.." I told her.

"I know, it doesn't bother me." Yeji shrugged off my remark, "and it's not like I haven't kissed a girl."

My mouth fell open, "who?!" Yeji's hand covered her mouth as she hysterically laughed.

"Well I did once kiss Ryujin back in like middle school." She said it as if it was nothing, "but, I'm not gay."

"Ok miss I've kissed a girl." I jabbed at her.

"Ok miss I've dated a guy." Yeji smirked.

I was going to say something, but quickly ran out of responses. Yeji smiles brightly knowing she had won the argument. I sighed in defeat.

"So, revenge?" Yeji asked for the third time. I bit my lip. Normally, I would have said no. But today I was feeling a bit adventurous. What's the worst that could happen?


(A/n: wow I actually updated? That's surprising.)

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