The First Meeting

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The thing about being a self sentient time machine, is that it can call its own Mechanic. And there have been very few that are worthy of the trust of the last living TARDIS. 

Yes, there was the Doctor, but the machine had decided that a third opinion was needed. And River was not answering her phone.


Cardiff is very known for the aliens littering the street, if fact, its home to quite a few.

Besides the Weevils that Captain Jack Harkness looks over, there was his old friend. The figure walked over, gears grinding, and an oil leak. The future man rushed over, "What happened?"

The cyborg shrugged, "The trinket didn't work. It's always a risk." one of their eyes had been scratched out as well, he just hadn't seen it in the poorly lit area.

"It doesn't bother you?!"

They shook their head at the Captain, "I am just upset that I couldn't get the translator to work for them. I hurt the poor thing on accident, it was only a defensive reaction."

"Come on." He sighed and lead them up to his office, "Mechanic, you can't keep putting yourself at risk like this!"

The Mechanic pouted, "I'm not getting hurt. I can't feel it. It's one of the reasons I was originally built."

He shook his head, "Well, not anymore. You have had to come up here and get repaired too many times, I am beginning to want to think you want to die."

"So what if I did. There is no one else, Hardass. It's just me."

He shook his head again, "You don't know that! There might be more out there!"

"I doubt-" Their face goes blank, as they get a message. Jack knew not to panic, and quickly patched everything he could up.

"Mechanic, I am a TARDIS en-route to Cardiff. Although my Time Lord has taken good care of me, I am in need of more assistance in... Persuading him. Please meet us under the rift in 20 minutes."

Their face turned to a large smile, they popped an eye back in, not caring that it mix/matched, and ran to the lift, "There are more!"


The Doctor sat in the TARDIS, alone once again, over the Rift in Cardiff. The TARDIS didn't need to fuel up, she had just brought him here. She did that a lot. The Doctor wasn't in the mood for fun and games, after all, Rose was gone and Donna had turned him down. What he didn't expect was a knock at the door.

He waited a moment, only to hear another one.

When he opened the door, a human was all he saw in front of him, "I was told that a vehicle had broken down." They handed him a card, "Is this said vehicle?"

The Doctor took the card and read off the following:

The Mechanic

Hello, your self-sentient vehicle has taken it upon its self to have a check-up. I realize the human appearance may startle you, but do not worry as I am from the 51st century and have seen many spaceships. 

The TARDIS hummed, delighted that the Mechanic had arrived.

"Pleasure to meet you as well." The Doctor looked at them, shocked.

Very few people could understand a TARDIS, and yet, a human from the future seemed to have no problem.

The Mechanic took out a stethoscope and listened to the TARDIS much more carefully. They hummed occasionally as they walked around the main room. Before turning to the Doctor, "You are spending far too much energy with all these rooms. No wonder she needs to charge up so often. Do you really need 23 squash courts? Or an exact replica of an art museum? It's a time machine, you can go these places somewhere else."

The Doctor looked at them incredulously, "Every time I happen to leave this place, something happens. For all I know, I could be the reason that museum was burned down."

The Mechanic rolled their eyes, "But 23 squash courts?"

He sighed, "Fine. I'll loose them." He went over to the controls, "But Seven stays. It's my favorite."

Once the TARDIS was given more space, her hums seemed happier and lighter. But, the Mechanic wasn't finished yet, "As for the handbrake-"

The Doctor pointed towards the door, "Out!"

They rolled their eyes, "One day you are gonna need the brake, but it'll be too damaged to help-"
The Doctor pushed them out and closed the door behind the Mechanic.

The TARDIS groaned.

"Oh please. I know what my TARDIS can handle."

She groaned again.

"What do you mean 'Men'?!" 


The Cyborg  watched as the TARDIS dematerialised. They chuckled, "I'll be seeing you again, old bastard." 

The Mechanic couldn't help but sigh as Team Torchwood was called to go after another alien. This was the third job in a day! Normally they were begging for action, but now they were all starting to wear out, including Owen, who was undead!

The Mechanic couldn't help but internally scream as they saw that it was only another Weevil, "Where the hell are these things from?"

"The Rift."

Their eyes widened and they ran, leaving behind the very confused Jack Harkness.

They went to their desk and started shifting through all their stuff. The Mechanic picked up several pieces of hardware and then threw their computer and watched it shatter. They pulled out 2 circuits and ran back to their desk. They opened their tool belt and pulled put 4 wires and a mini welder and got to work.

When the Mechanic was done, they ran back up to the top of the Torchwood base where the rest of the team had been left. They knew they were trying to track the Weevil, but The Mechanic was gonna send them back. Back to where they belong.

They flipped on the machine and watched as it whirred and opened the rift. It seemed to cause the sky to vibrate. But only for a little bit.

5 minutes later, the Mechanic turned it off and saw that the Weevils in the base were gone. They smiled as it had been done.

They pulled out their journal and put another tally under their title, she was now only one behind the Doctor. They kept Tally based off what Jack told them.

"I'll catch up soon. Don't doubt me." They smirked as they talked to themselves.

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