The Memories

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//Hey, this is gonna get hard. This'll be more graphic then I normally do, and it might be triggering. so when you see these lines appear, tread with caution.//

"You're weird." The Mechanic overheard as they entered the room.

"I hope he is, weird is good. What are you?"

"I'm a disruptive influence." Courtney smiles.

The Mechanic smiled, as the Doctor shook her hand, "Good to meet you."

"And you."

"Now get lost."

"Okay." Courtney leaves as Clara enters, "Hello, miss." She mutters something under her breath.

"Sorry, what did you say?" She turned to the two aliens, "What was she doing in here?"

"Paper towels. Now, I imagine you have many questions. Fire away. I won't answer any of them."

"What were they like?"

"What were who like?"

"The others before me. Did they let you get away with this kind of thing?" The Mechanic made a move towards Clara, the Doctor having to catch her wrist, "This school is in danger."

"Well, it's lucky I'm here, then."

"From you. You wouldn't be here if there wasn't an alien threat nearby. Your strategy for dealing with it involves endangering this school."

The Mechanic moved from his grip, "Now you watch what you say next, we might be friends, but you can't talk shit about the both of us."

"I don't know anything because you haven't told me anything, which means I wouldn't approve, which means you are endangering this school."

"We're trying to keep it safe! We don't want you involved, because you get emotional."

"And you don't!"

The Doctor activates his sonic screwdriver and reveals a green glowing globe, stopping the two of them, "What's that?"

"It's a scanner. I'm scanning. Why do I keep you around?"

"Because the alternative would be developing a conscience of your own." She scoffs, The Mechanic glared, "Scanning for what?"

"Any alien technology in this vicinity should show up. I used to have a teacher exactly like you once."

"You still do. Pay attention."

The scanner displays a four legged machine which looks a wheelchair with an alien sitting in it, "What the hell is it?"

"A Skovox Blitzer. One of the deadliest killing machines ever created. Probably homed in here because of artron emissions. You've had enough of them in this area over the years. There's enough explosive in its armory to take out the whole planet." The Doctor explained.

The Mechanic sighed at her confused expression, "Time travelers absorb artron energy as they go through the Time Vortex, and it might be a Tardis power source."

"Then leave it alone."

"Sooner or later it will creep from its hidey-hole and some military idiot will try to attack it."
He turns off the image, "The world is full of PE teachers."

"So, your insanely dangerous plan is?" The Doctor holds up a digital wrist watch with an expanding metal bracelet, "A new watch. Tiny bit disappointed."

"This is a very special watch." The Doctor puts it on, presses a button and vanishes.

"Doctor? Oi! Ow! Did you just flick my nose? You're invisible." She laughs, "Oh, my God, that's incredible."

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