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requested by: n/a
human!reader, female
this boy needs more recognition no cap

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a smile sat painted on my lips, one of my legs crossed over the other as my hands were placed in almost unnatural positions. i couldn't recall how long i had been there, my body too numb to even thinking about how these parts used to feel.

vadalia had a complete look of concentration on her face, her tongue sticking out the side of her mouth as she hummed a little tune. her brush dashed across the canvas with every flick of her wrist, and though i couldn't see it, the colors were mixing in with each other perfectly.

she had this talent that was amazing - painting. she would deny it when i praised her, but based on her little rants to sour cream about the good things i say, i knew she loved it.

she was a tough nut to crack for anyone, hell even for greg universe - a friend from when they were younger. i, on the other hand, was given the easy way to her heart.

by having the title of being her oldest sons girlfriend.

"alright! almost done.." she warned me, making me hum loud enough to let her know i understood and that i hadn't died and my corpse was now a statue. light blinded me for a second as someone entered the garage, but it didn't seem to faze either me or vadalia much.

my eyes did take a little bit to adjust to the sudden darkness again, but when it did i saw that one person who always ruined these little sessions i had with her.

sour cream.

now, yes he's my boyfriend and i love him to death, but he can take being bored to a new level. well, he can just make me not bored in the worst situations to be not bored in.

like this one. i locked eyes with him, my heart warming at the smile he sent me. he peered over his mothers shoulder, nodding his head approvingly at the painting before him.

then, he turned back to me. at first, he did nothing but watch and smile, until his smile faltered, and he let out a sigh before scratching the back of his neck. i knew what was coming, and i prayed my practice for this moment would pay off. i couldn't have another mishap happen like last time. it would be too embarrassing.

he looked at me, his face serious until he pulled at his cheeks, his eyes going different directions while he stuck his tongue out. "blehhh - "

vadalia turned around quickly, tapping her paintbrush against her sons head harshly. "don't you start!" she scolded, making him chuckle and ending the act before i could falter.

i let out a sigh of relief, before i felt myself being picked up and tossed over someone's shoulder. i was soon taken into the house from the garage, screams of protest being shouted from behind.

i laughed, vadalias angry face being the last thing i see before the door closed and i was tossed onto the bed. i let out a hum, stretching and feeling my bones pop from being able to move after so long. "thank you sir." i yawned.

i watched sour cream just stand, looking at me with a light smile. he didn't smile much, from what i was aware of, but did around me and a few close friends. it was nice, his smile was everything.

"your mom isn't going to be happy with you." i said with a sigh, thinking about how she'll force me to sit in another horrid position while she spends hours trying to capture my 'true image', whatever that meant. "i know i'm not cause you've cursed me to having to redo that entire painting again."

"don't worry, she won't do anything. neither will you." he joked, waving his hand, dismissing the thoughts from my mind and making me roll my eyes. i sat up, my arms bringing my knees close to my chest so my chin could rest on them. my eyes were fixated on his figure roaming around his room to find something.

i got curious, wondering what would happen. he finally picked something up from underneath a small stack of cassettes, records, and anything else music could have been recorded on.

he straightened the paper out, his eyes going over its contents that were still a mystery to me. "okay, so you know how sadie killer and the suspects are going on tour?" he asked, and i nodded.

"i plan on going to one of your shows later in your tour. i just have work to do and things to keep up here." i muttered, boredom in my tone when i spoke of working for most of their tour.

sour cream sat down next to me, holding out the piece of paper that i took and began looking over. "so , how would you like to attend all of our shows? our lights guy had something come up and your the one i recommended." he began , watching my face light up with every word.

"but, i can't. my job - " he stopped me with a finger to my lips. "don't worry, i took care of all of that already. i said you could make it up when you got back, and your boss agreed. plus, there's other people that could work the booths at the boardwalk."

i nodded, looking back down at the poster. "this.. it's amazing. are you sure i could come along?"

"i wouldn't be telling you this if you couldn't.
it'll be great experience, and the others loved the idea. plus, didn't you always want to work lights for concerts?" i nodded once again, thinking about the great things and experiences this could bring me.

"alright. i'll do it." i said with a big smile, and he chuckled and ruffled my hair. "okay, keep that paper so you know what to do and the theme for it."

"yes sir." i playfully saluted him, making him roll his eyes at me. he stood, going to his closet and taking a box out. "this calls for a celebration!" he laughed, opening the box and grabbing a handful of what was inside and tossing them onto the bed.

"you're going to dj tonight?" i asked, watching him gather his gear. he hummed, placing it together before he began picking up the glow sticks from the bed and crack them, connecting their ends to make bracelets and necklaces.

he placed a couple of them on me, and i did the same for him. "want to practice for the tour? you could do the lights for tonight." i nodded frantically at his offer, feeling the happiness rise in me. "of course!"

homage.〘 𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍 𝐔𝐍𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄 〙Where stories live. Discover now