Chapter 9

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Alexandra POV:

Everything's goin great, I met the boss, it was fun. We scream a lot..ugh ...I hate my life ...agh..haha...Its funny really, been here for two months..and I became a villain...second in command. Im now a commander, also think Ive gone a bit crazy with power ...but oh well.

Life can be like that right?...haha, got a few scratches and bruises from all that fighting Ive been doing.

Hey, you ready yet. You have school in 35 minutes. a muffled voice sounded from behind my bedroom door. I got up with my bag slung over my shoulder, cup holder hand yanking the door open coming face to torso with the Warlord himself. "Ready as I can be.. with a grumble Garmadon swade past me and mumbled You better be yeah hes now my guardian.i-in a way?

I havent even tried to find a way back to my sister, even though its my top priority, but can you blame me for being curious enough to actually see how this all plays out.


Abit of a time jump..


Location: Ninjago High

Now remember what your here for. Your here to see- I cut Garmadon off Im here to see what I can find out about the secret ninja force. You told me a hundred times already, so can I just do my job already. he looks toward me with such vile and dismastment and finally closes his eyes and crossed his arms. With a huff and a sigh Ok then what are you still waiting around here for..Do your job! he practically pushed me out of the mech onto the pavement.

Fine by me ...what else do I got to lose?


Time Skip to Lunchroom


Nice to know school lunches never change ...even in a different universe. taking a glance at the choices almost made me barf.

You should try the pizza's not so bb-bad. eyes widening to the person who spoke beside me.

How to describe a stranger? Well for one very weird he wore an orange scarf, a blue sweater, with tan pants, his hair parted into a curly mess of brown locks upon his yellow face which was covered in freckles, his voice was quite annoying to be honest, but yet it was shy and sweet.

Ok Thanks for the information. I say once turned towards his direction, then towards the lunch lady. Ill take, the cheese pizza ...please? I say in a questioning tone.

Sure be right up. The lunch lady says whilst grabbing the slice and placing said item on a paper plate and placing so on the counter.

Thanks. I said in a suttle tone and shifted off towards an empty table in a dark corner. Only to be stopped once more by the person from earlier.

The names Jay by the way ya know ...since I-your new and all wasnt sure if you knew me or anything. Do you have a name?

I- which I was broken out of speaking once again by his nervous ramble.

Oh Im so stupid.of course you have a name.oh boy is the room spinning...I-IIII-I he started to hyperventilate.

Hey calm down dude...chill ...ok. Its ok, alright nothing to freak out about. So just breath ok?

I said in a calming tone as to not scare him as much.

Ooo-ok.. J-just breath ... he took a few breaths in and out.

Ok so how about if I just walk you to your table ok does that sound nice. I ask hoping he wouldnt have another panic attack, and just let me escort him to a table so that I may that my leave.

Yeah that sounds nice it's just right across the cafeteria on the left far side. he pointed in the direction.

As we walk towards that part of the cafeteria, I realized I never told him my name.



Its my name, you told me yours, it's only fair I told mines. I say with a small smile as we turn back towards the direction we were heading. It was still a ways away but I can just make out five other figures at the table with distinct colors. That was when I finally put two and two together, his name, the colors he was wearing, and the five others that were waiting for him at the table.

The ninja.. My job is now complete.. But I still need more Ill let this charade begin.


Sorry for the long wait. Personal stuff and all that jazz, but I hopefully start to update sooner than later.

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