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Stan's Pov:

I sat on my bed and let tears slide down my cheeks and onto my lap.

"Stanley! A couple of kids from the neighborhood stopped by to introduce themselves!" my mom called up the stairs.

"Okay, I'll be down in a sec!" I hollered back.

I put my phone up and dried my eyes.

I walked down the stairs and saw a boy and a girl sitting at our dining room table. They looked about my age.

"Hi. I'm Nate," said the boy. He had brown hair and was wearing a brown t-shirt, ripped jeans, and plain black shoes. "This is Lilli. She's shy around new people, took me ages to convince her to introduce ourselves."

Lilli had blonde hair and was wearing a white sweater crop top, ripped high-waisted jeans, and black and white checkered Van's. "Hi," she said quietly.

I stood there just looking at these people. Nate didn't look like a germaphobe or a joke maker or good boyfriend or a meat man or chubby. Lilli didn't look like a red-haired HBIC.

These aren't my friends.

"Stanley. Don't be rude. Come sit, introduce yourself," said my mom.

I slowly made my way to the table and sat down hesitantly.

"Hi," I said stiffly after a few moments. "My name is Stanley."

"Okay. So we just wanted to introduce ourselves so you had friendly faces to see when you go to school. We go back in a week because of Thanksgiving break. We can also give you a tour, help you find your classes. Your mom showed us your schedule and you have 3 classes with me and 4 with Lilli. And you have lunch with both of us so you should be fine," said Nate.

"Thanks," I said simply. I saw my mom glaring at me out of the corner of her eye. "I like your jeans by the way," I said getting up and walking up the stairs.

"Thanks!" he hollered after me.


Nate's Pov:

"I hope you can forgive my son's rudeness, he kind of didn't want to move." Stanley's mom told us.

"Understandable. New place, new people. Well, we should be going. Thanks Mrs. Uris." I said.

"Bye," said Lilli.

As we both walked to our house, we talked about the boy we just met.

"He seemed upset Nate, what if something's wrong?" Lilli asks.

"You worry so much."

"Okay Mr. I'm-scared-of-heights-but-won't- admit-it."

"I'm gonna kill you!"

"Please, do."

"Lilli, no. Your one of my best friends."

"You have friends?" she put her mouth in an 'o' shape.

"Shut up bitch."

"Make me ass hat."

"You know you're my friend, or are you to dumb to comprehend that."

"Okay Mr. Failing-3-classes."


"I'm good," she giggled.

We arrived at her house and she began to walk up to the door.

"I'll text you later!" I called after.

"Okay!" she waved to me.

"Bye cutie!"

"Bye dork!"

Oh gosh, I thought. How did I get a gorgeous girl like her to be my friend? And how can I get her to be my girlfriend?

A/N: so yeah, that's how they are with people vs with each other. Nate likes Lilli which is something I thought would add spice to the story. And I'm gonna shoutout: ongoing_trauma

Please comment any ideas to make the story even better if you have any!

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