Chapter 1

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Welcome to Hogwarts

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Welcome to Hogwarts

Alice Scamander walks alone down Kings Cross station looking for Platform 9 3/4. As much as her parents wish they could've been there, Tina has important work to be handled at the ministry and Newt has to feed all of the creatures on time. But they had talked to her the night before and provided a delicious breakfast that morning. Alice didn't mind, all she could focus on was the exciting journey ahead of her.

As her black flats click along the polished cement, her eyes travel the beauty of the Muggle station. She had never been here before. She spent most of her life in the countryside, helping her father tend to his creatures. To the average goer, it is busy, bland, and kind of gross. But to her, it is a magnificent example of muggle culture, something that had always fascinated her.

As she searches for the platform, she spots a boy with dark, unruly hair and thick, round glasses staring wide-eyed at the red-headed boys charging through the archway into the platform. He looks just as confused as she feels.

"Hello," she says, tapping his shoulder. She sees a glimpse of the scar on his head as he turns around.

"Hi," he replies awkwardly.

Alice freezes, squinting her eyes at his forehead. She swore she had seen something odd there. The boy gives her a confused look before realizing what she is staring at. "Oh." He moves his hair out of the way, revealing his scar. "My name's Harry Potter."

She smiles, "Sorry. I'm Alice Scamander. Are you as confused as I am?"

They both turn to the platform entrance again. "Yeah," he nods. The kind-looking red-haired woman turns around to spot them staring.

"Well, what are you two doing all alone? Get over here," she gestures for them with her free hand while the other is being held by a small girl with a shy look on her face. They approach her. "Have either of you done this before?"

"No, ma'am," they answer at the same time.

"It's Ron's first time too," she smiles. A boy with the same bright red hair looks over, his flat nose scrunches up and his blue eyes crinkle as he gives them an awkward smile. His freckled cheeks redden ever so slightly at the embarrassment of his mother. "So what you're going to do is run straight towards that wall and... and well that's it."

They nod, a little worried. Ron goes first, setting the example. It's as simple as she said, run straight toward a brick wall. Couldn't there be a less terrifying way to get in? Alice bites the bullet and goes next, she starts running, then sprinting, shutting her eyes, and clinging onto her cart as she nears the wall. Then... she opens her eyes.

Platform 9 3/4 is darker than Kings Cross, lit by flaming lamps. It was as if she'd stepped into a new era, with no artificial lights or grey metal. Everything here looks a bit older. It was far busier and louder, children everywhere. It was a bit overwhelming to Alice, finding it difficult to block out everyone's thoughts. Harry pops up next to her, just as surprised.

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