Chapter 3

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Cries of the Augurey

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Cries of the Augurey

The feast commenced. The tables are filled with baskets of all types of food. Anything anyone could want in a meal, they had. Chicken, greens, potatoes, beef, fish and chips, Shepherd's pie, stew, and more. The Gryffindor table is filled with laughter and joy as the older students chat with the new ones. They advise on teachers, clubs, and spells.

"You must be Harry Potter," Lavender says with a hint of nervousness in her smile.

"That's me," he smiles a bit more confidently.

"I'm Lavender Brown," she says.

"Nice to meet you," he replies.

A faint blush spreads across her cheeks. Talking to Harry really was like talking to a celebrity.

Alice sits there, eating some corn and greens. A blank stare on her face, she had never been in a room with this many people before. It was overwhelming. She couldn't tell if she was listening to people's minds or their conversations.

Ron must've noticed, but he thought there was a different reason behind her stare. "What's a matter, Alice? You're not eating any chicken," Ron asks, his mouth currently full of chicken.

With her concentration broken, she answers, "Oh, I don't eat meat."

"Why not?" He asks as if this were the most baffling statement he had ever heard.

"That means you must really like animals, doesn't it?" Harry asks.

Her face lights up at the mention of animals. "Yes! Especially magic ones. I love all magical creatures, even the dangerous or scary-looking ones. They are nicer than they look if you treat them with kindness," Alice tells them, wanting to continue ranting. She could talk about beasts all day.

"That's a lovely way to think about it," Hermione told her.

Ron swallowed the chicken, telling her, "I've got to disagree with you on that one. Spiders do not look or act nice." He shivers at the thought of one.

"I hear Lee Jordan has a tarantula. Maybe I should set it loose in your room," Alice jokingly threatens.

"You might be scarier than spiders," he cringes.

Harry can't seem to focus on their conversation, his eyes continue to travel to a mysterious professor.

"Say, Percy? Who is that teacher talking to Professor Quirrell?" Harry asks Ron's older brother, Percy.

"Oh that's Professor Snape, head of Slytherin house," He answers.

"What does he teach?" Harry asks.

"Potions, but he fancies the Dark arts. He's been after Quirrell's job for years."

This information is intriguing to Harry. The others look at him in curiosity. They all wonder why he is so interested in the seemingly boring professor.

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