7. His Promise: This is Fate

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Dedicated to Ayeeshahspen for all the votes.🥰

Can a woman love a man for whom she has lost respect. How many love stories like mine ended after years. in a single night, because the woman suddenly saw the man for what he was? -Girls Of Riyadh


The next day, I recited to myself as I moved from the wardrobe to my bed, filling up my travelling bag with clothes: Isma'il doesn't care about me. It seems I have been living a solo fairy tale for over a year.

This was not an impulsive decision. Maybe emotional, but not impulsive, for I had thought long and hard about everything Isma'il told me last night. Surely he didn't think marrying again was a big deal. If only I could hand him my shoes so he could know how I felt, how every woman feels when such a fate comes knocking.

I had heard enough stories of polygamy to know that it never ended well. Aunty Mamy's tale was enough for me to abhor such possibility. If someone had told me before now that Ismail would do this, I wouldn't have believed it. Never.

But as I placed my final folded attire in the box, I couldn't help but wonder: was I really not worth much to him?

The bedroom door swung open behind me. I closed my bag and zipped it. Isma'il cleared his throat; I headed for the wardrobe again for my undergarments, eyes straight ahead.

As I arranged them in my bag, Isma'il called out, "Good God Kauthar, is it that serious?" He didn't sound surprised or hurt, just amused.

I felt a rush of anger in my stomach, like bile, rising up to my throat. "Ban sani ba!" I spat, still not facing him.

He walked past me and sat on the bed, the bag, a barrier between us. Still, I didn't look at him, only at the crease he had created on my neatly spread bed.

After removing his white skull cap, he tugged at the thin hairs growing on his chin. Kauthar come on, let's talk about this." He pleaded. "Look," He leaned forward to place a hand on mine. I obeyed, but it was only because I wanted him to see me, to feel guilty. He pushed the bag away to sit beside me.

"Look, my marriage with Rahma will not change anything in ours." He said as I snorted. That's what they always say.

"I'm not marrying her because you lack something, or because she's giving me something you're not, I'm marrying her in order to help her, she has a lot of potential to grow into a better person, call it charity if you please, but I'm doing this with the pure intention of helping a Muslim in need. Don't you recall some of the prophet's marriages where he-"

"He was asked by God to marry them," I said, my eyes widening at his ridiculous comparison. "He's a prophet Isma'il, his case was different."

"Okay, just consider-"

"Are you in love with her?" I blurted, asking the question that had been nagging me since last night. One I waited for, thinking he'd answer without my asking. I did believe that was his reason for wanting to marry again but this, helping a Muslimah in need! Kai, men!

He opened his mouth, closed it, and looked down to pick at the hem of his grey thobe. I waited, watching him. Finally, he sighed, and I got my answer.

Without thinking, I burst out into laughter, as Isma'il gaped at me. On a normal day, I would've been embarrassed to laugh so loud because my laugh (according to my sisters) sounded like a faulty car engine. But not today. I laughed until tears followed. Can't you see how broken I am? How could he, when he was in love with another woman?

"Kauthar, I still love you. I do. This changes nothing. I promise."

I shook my head as another bubble of laughter sprang out my trembling lips. "Stop lying." I whispered. "If you're in love with her, just say so. What can I do to stop it?" I shrugged.

He titled his head, his eyes melting in mine, "I love you Kauthar, you make me happy. I have no complaints about you as a wife. You're a wonderful person in and out." He whispered, as though I was a child. And honestly, I felt like one.

"I'm sorry for hurting you like this. To be honest, I didn't know how to tell you. But I had full intention of letting you know before anyone else. I'm sorry you had to find out this way you did. Let me assure you that this doesn't and won't change how I feel about you." He added, wrapping an arm around me.

I closed my eyes and leaned into him, feeling his warmth seep into me, soothing me.

But not for long. My eyes snapped open and I raised my head, moving farther from him."What can I do to change your mind?" I asked, clasping my hands.

He sighed. "Kauthar,"

"Please," I pressed. My tears leaked out again. "Tell me what to do, I'll do it." I gathered his cloth in my hands, leaning forward like someone having a runny stomach.

I felt Ismail's arm lift me up, but he didn't say anything. "I'm really sorry but this is fate."

I raised my head and gaped at him, "haka ka ce-is that so?" I placed a hand over my chest, as if to hold back my bleeding heart.

He shrugged and rose from the bed. He watched me over his shoulder. "Kiyi hakuri,"

As he made his way to the door, I said, "No, this isn't fate, it's your choice."

He turned around, eyes pleading. "If you really love me, you'll respect my decision."

I snickered. "Hakane." This is fate. The words rang in my head. But whose fate?

I released a breath and wiped my face. Then I stood beside him, my hand grazing his. "Promise me something, that no matter what happens, you won't change, you won't abandon me, because I know..." I swallowed a lump in my throat. "I know how you men start misbehaving after marrying again. And I don't want-" I was interrupted by his wheezing laughter.

"We men?" He shook his head.

"It's not funny." I pushed his shoulder, pressing my lips together. I shouldn't laugh.

"I promise," He clasped his hands, "I won't change, ever." He smiled and took my hand in his. "We're like this, inseparable." He kissed the back of my hand.

We'll see. I nodded and smiled back.

"Toh, I'm hungry, what's for breakfast?" He patted his stomach.

"Nothing like that, have you forgotten that I'm going home?"

"Haba!" He opened the door and waited for me to pass.

I laughed and took his hand again as we strolled into the kitchen.

"You know what, let me make you breakfast."

"Are you serious?" I sputtered. He ignored me and grabbed my apron from the hook behind the door.

"Why not?"

This is fate. I watched him fiddle with the knob of the gas cooker before shaking my head. "Is this how it's going to be from now on?"

"It'll only get better. I promise." He held my gaze. This is fate. Our fate.

I took a deep breath, then let out a gasp. "The gas is leaking!"

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