26. Epilogue

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 “Wow,” I say, marvelling at the spiral-bound document in my hands, containing my story. My eyes glisten with tears but I smile anyway.

Finally, I get to share it. It felt liberating, like a warm shower, where I get to wash away my dirt, fears and insecurities. 

Life after Salsabil is one I never thought I’d be a part of, one I never knew I would be in charge of. She isn’t here anymore but her presence never left us. We remember her in everything we did. We prayed for her endlessly. Including Barakah who calls her Mummy b, I taught her to always pray for her Mummy. 

“There you are.” Isma’il comes in, followed by a skipping Barakah. I wonder where she gets such energy from? I turn to them and smile. Barakah scrambles to get on my lap. She has managed to take off her school uniform without my help today.

“Mummy.” Her beautiful fair face turned to me as her grey eyes shone in wonder. “Did you see my message?” Her voice rings out softly like her mum’s. 

I smile widely, nodding. 

She nods in satisfaction. “Did you like it?” she turned to the document on the table, slowly running her hand through the smooth and shiny blue cover. I take it that she’s shy. 

Chuckling, I hug her close to me, inhaling her sweet scent with a tint of rose. I push the chair back and smooth down her floral pinafore dress.

Isma’il is on the bed, tapping away on his phone. I take her hand in mine as we join him. 


The full moon lights up the little corner where I pray. Tonight, I didn’t wait for my alarm to ring. 

After praying, as I raise my hands to the sky to supplicate to my Lord, a thought creeps in; I wonder where Salsabil is now. Jannah in sha Allah. I smile, recalling a conversation we had one day when she was still a new bride.

“When you make it to Jannah in sha Allah, what will be the first thing you’ll do?” I asked her as she sat before me, I was plaiting, or trying to plait her hair. She chuckled as if the question sounded silly and irrelevant. 

“Mmmmm…” I saw her tap her chin in thought. “I think after we see the face of our Creator in sha Allah.” I nodded, mumbling in sha Allah after her.

“I will go and visit all… “ She spread her arms, “the prophets and Sahabas and neighbours.” She said as I laughed, still struggling with her hair. 

“Then finally,” She paused. “ I will go and look for the spring Salsabil,” she smiled as she said it, as though she could picture it already. “in a beautiful grey gown of course.” She added as I laughed again. 

“Then I will sit at the edge of the spring and watch as it gushes forth and flows beautifully. I will put it in my hand to take some water for myself.”

“Your hand ke, use cup na.” I chastised. 

“Or a jug.” She giggled. 

“Or a bucket,” I added as we burst into laughter, wondering if there’s anything like cups or buckets in paradise. 

“Anyways, I hope you get to do it,” I say and smile down at her back. 

“Yeah in sha Allah. We’ll watch as the spring gushes forth.” She repeated and laughed. 

I also laugh as the flashback ends, I let the tears that follow gush forth too as I raise my hands in prayer once again, that Salsabil gets more than her heart desires in Jannah (Ameen). 

“Mummy?” Barakah's voice calls out from her room. I’m sure she’s on her way here too. 

I smile at the name: Mummy. And look down at my stomach, in it lies a growing fetus. I rub my stomach. Indeed. I chuckle, folding my prayer mat. 

I headed towards Barakah's room, wishing her mum could see us now from Jannah, with love gushing forth, to the Blessing she left for us. 

Pam pam pam!          
Assalamu alaikum, guys,
Hope y'all are enjoying your holidays.😍

So... Kauthar's story is over 😅
What do you think?
Will be nice to hear your thoughts, especially as we're just getting started.😁

Here are a few questions to help with your review:

• Did you enjoy the story? Yes, no? Why?

• Which is your favourite chapter? Why?

• Which is your least favourite chapter? Why?

• Who is your favourite character? Why?

•Your least favourite character? Why?

• If you were to change anything in the story, what would it be?

• If you had a chance to change the ending, what would you change?

• Which character(s) would you like to see in the sequel?

• Any question(s) for me?

• Rate the story:


I'd really appreciate your honest answers, it'd help become a better writer for y'all, in sha Allah.

Jazakum Allahu khairan for all the votes.

See you in 2022, where the journey with Kauthar (alone?) continues. In sha Allah (Ameen).

Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.😘


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