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Hey guys, lmao sorry for not uploading sooner🗿( btw Jon is heading to Evans place, lol time skip)
Jon's POV:
I'm so nervous.
I gripped onto my suitcase while I waited for my Uber.
I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket.
Why am I so nervous?..
I've met him once on the trip-
Oh, that's right.
Because you fucking fell for him jon.
I reached behind to pull out my phone. Once I turned on my phone I saw a message from the one and only.

Owl 🦉: heyyy r u readyyyy?

I sighed and gripped my phone slightly.

Jon: haha yesss

       Owl 🦉 is typing...

Owl 🦉: yay! Can't wait till you come over here 😏

My stomach tied into a knot.
Thankfully my Uber had picked me up just in time to distract my feelings for a little while.

•Time skip•
I waited at the airport to see if I could spot Evan.
Jeez it's like when Evan was trying to find me all over again.
My knees felt wobbly, almost like jello.. is that weird?.
I felt my phone vibrate, which I pulled out to check who was calling me.
Obviously it was the
magnificent owl.

"Where are you dude?!"
"I'm trying to find you!"
I look around trying to spot him.
"But I don't see you anywhere, give me specific details"

Evans POV:
"Uhhh okay"
I studied my surroundings then pursed my lips.
"Trash can"
"Evan, there's a thousand trash cans, including me"
"Then just look around I don't know, also no your not trash" I smiled a bit.
"Jon?" I asked while holding my phone.
I looked down at my phone seeing he hung up.
That's weird..

I felt someone grab my shoulders as I jolted them back a bit. I turned around seeing Jonathan.
His hair looked cute and fluffy, he was wearing black ripped jeans, checkered vans, and a pastel pink hoodie.

"Hey, you gonna keep staring at me or are you gonna take me to your house?"

Jon's POV:
Evans hair was cute and messy, yet he still looked good whether he just woke up from his nice nap or not.
His ears flashed a color of red. "Shutupcomeon" he said quickly while he took my hand. his outfit was the usual, he had a red hoodie, black skinny jeans, and black converse on. I smirked daydreaming of being in his clothes.

-Time skip-

Evan was still driving down the road, besides it had only been about 10 minutes. The radio was playing but I didn't say a word to Evan. It was awkward but not really if that makes sense. I guess we're just comfortable with each other without talking. Then I heard him clear his throat to speak.
"So 'sweetheart', how was your flight?" My stomach twisted up inside hearing the nickname, my palms started to sweat a bit. It was silent for a bit. "Jon-"
"Why do you call me that?"
I looked away to the side seeing everything pass by outside the window.
"What do you mean?" He sounded kinda hurt but confused. I bit my lip regretting what I asked. But I knew I had to say something back, especially since I'm staying at his place.
"Why do you call me sweetheart?"
"I don't know.. I guess it just sounds..cute on you?"
I felt my heart thump out of my chest, my face started burn up so did my ears.
"B-but I mean like.. you know I was just uH.. kidding!"
I heard his voice crack a bit from embarrassment. I smiled and giggled.
"What's so funny" he huffed out grumpily.
"It's just...you know what, nothing.. and..my flight was nice." He stopped at a red light. We both looked back at each other giggling.


Hope y'all enjoyed!! 😎💞
( man I was late af 💀)

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