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Heyyy💓!! Sorry again, hopefully next one will be out q u i c k. Promise this time 🤗
Jon's POV:
We were at IHOP's waiting for our food.
Marcel was on his phone checking his twitter, while Brian and David were talking about what they should do for their next video.
Evan pulled out his phone checking out his channel, as I pondered about my feelings. Did I actually.. like Evan? Maybe it's just a random feeling. I'm sure a lot of people have random feelings like this about their friend. Most of them get rid of it too.. yeah! I'm just having random feelings for Evan.

Or maybe I'm wrong?

No, come on.. get back on track Jonathan.
The waitress came by setting down our food. Evan and marcel put their phone away as David and Brian stopped talking to prepare themselves to eat.

As we were eating marcel brought up a subject to talk about.


"So you speak any type of language? You know, other than english."
I chew a piece of my pancake as the others look at me waiting for a response. "Yeah.. I kind of speak Spanish. I guess.." Evan sipped some of his juice as his eyes went a bit wide. "Really!? Can you say anything?" He reminded me of a little puppy wagging it's tail.

The others were interested, meanwhile Brian wasn't paying any attention to anyone, other than his food.
Marcel rolled his eyes while David laughed. Evan sat there thinking for a few seconds before realizing. "No, like.. I mean can you say anything else than the word 'yes'" I sipped some of my soda and bit the inside of my cheek thinking.
Before I could say anything the waitress came by to see if we needed anything, she gave Evan a flirtatious look. She walked away as Brian spoke, "dude, that chick totally wanted you"  he looked at Evan. "Psh, no one would want a piece of junk like me.." his grin faded away into a blank emotion as he stirred his straw around in his orange juice.

It's like all of his emotion just drained out of him. He doesn't actually think that about himself right?..
my heart started to flutter again, the butterflies were coming back.
"T-that's not true!" I spoke out as my voice cracked a bit, I swallowed dryly. Everyone looked up at me, Evan stared into my eyes making me regret the sentence that I spoke.

"Well, thanks.. Jonathan." Evan said warmly, his soothing voice comforted me. My butterflies swarmed around in the dark pit of my stomach.

••••time skip 🗿••••

Evans POV:
We were all back at the beach house, sitting on the couch trying to find something to watch.
"Why don't we watch a scary movie?" Marcel said while he ate out of a bag of chips, David nodded in agreement as Brian chugged down his Coke. "Yeah, I like the sound of that! What do you think Jon?" He fumbled around awkwardly and nodded.
He seemed off.. something about him didn't feel normal.

I was sitting next to Jon, marcel was on the left side of Jon, while Brian and David sat together snuggling up. They chewed their food loudly as marcel shook his head in annoyance.
"Can y'all shut the fuck up?!" Marcel whined out. David tried to keep his face serious but he failed once Brian started to giggle. "can y'all shut the fuck up, I'm trying to watch the fucking movie" I barked out loudly enough so the group could hear me. We all started to laugh like hyenas.

"Brian I hope you didn't put shit in those chips" David said between laughs and giggles. Brian shook his head laughing. "I put a little bit of coke...don't worry it's just the soda" Jonathan started to wheeze a bit at Brian's joke, which made my heart beat fast. It felt like it was a ticking time bomb ready to explode.
"Hey, you okay?" Jonathan whispered into my ear while everyone else was paying close attention to the movie now. My stomach did mini flips, I couldn't help but smile. "I should be asking you that.." I said as his face turned a tiny shade of pink. "What do you mean?" He murmured out softly into my ear. "You looked nervous or something.. I don't know, I just wanna make sure your feeling okay." My heart was racing around in circles. I can't believe I just said that. "Oh.. well, I'm okay...Thanks" he moved a little closer towards me and let his head rest on my shoulder.

I think I

Like him.

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