Tithes is the ten percent of your harvest.
It is not given as the normal offerings.
It is not given to the less privileged.
It is noy even given to the orphanages.It is given directly to God through his servant in the church.
There are so many benefits of tithing.
The most known is increased harvests.The fruits of your Labour will surely be increased.
The more you tithe, the more the increase.Constant tithing leads to a higher level in your harvests.
Temptations will come which you must overcome.
You think your income is too little to give to God His ten percent, then get ready to remain stranded on your little income or even allowance.
But if you are ready to be uplifted, ready for a change of level, then start tithing.
By God's special grace, your harvest shall come bountifully in Jesus' Name, Amen.
I love you.
Jesus loves you more.Be Blessed,
Stay Blessed,
Remain Blessed.
Jesus, You Are My All
عشوائيEver wondered what or who you cannot do without? This book will give you the right answer. It will take us on a spiritual journey, one that we won't regret. Join the ride. Let's goooooo! !!!!!!!! !!!!!!