Heaven or Hell (2)

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"Hell is real" you probably here that a lot.Well, it is. It's as real as you and me if not 'more real'.

Now many of us have heard or will hear,have answered or even asked this question when the topic of Heaven and Hell is brought out. "Why did God create hell for His children? ".

Well, the answer is...
God never created hell for His children. Hell is for satan and his followers. Infact, God's children will never go to hell. God's children do NOT go to hell.

At this point, some may ask, "So even if God's children sin, they won't go to hell?"

The answer is...
Once a "Child of God" sins, he or she has been ceased spiritually, of his or her Identification Card as a child of God. Therefore being spiritually identified as a child of the devil.

Asking God for forgiveness renews abd revives your identity as a child of God.

See it this way, that ID card is a ticket to heaven. If you don't have it, you remain on earth till Satan and his demons take the remnants to hell fire.

Do not be among those remnants.
Do not be left out.
He is coming sooner than expected.
Repent! !!

If you haven't given your life to Christ yet, kindly go to the chapter with topic "Be Born Again".

Beloved, no matter the belief, anyone that has not received Jesus Christ as the Lord and personal Saviour, then such person does not have a chance with God.

Also, if you are a Christian, but deep in your heart, you know you're not right with God. You know you are not purely clean before Him, then come clean right now, before its too late!
Rededicate your life to Jesus.

Only then do you have a chance to see God in His glorious kingdom.

"But for the cowardly, the faithless, the vile, the murderers, those who commit sexual immorality, those who use drugs and cast spells, the idolaters and all liars-their share will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur. This is the second death."
Revelation 21:8 CEB

To all this set of people, the scripture records that Jesus said to them :

Then He will say to those at His left hand, "Begone from Me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels!"
Matthew 25:41 AMPC

Therefore beloved, Repent!
Repentance prayer can be seen in the chapter titled "Be Born Again".

Always be conscious of the rapture my dear friend!

Remember that :
I love you, and
Jesus loves you more !!!!

Be Blessed! !!!
Stay Blessed! !!!
Remain Blessed! !!!

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