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   With a deep breath, Ren gathered all the strength he could muster. Physically and mentally. This was it. She had denied him and now... now they would fight in a battle to the death. But he didn't want to fight her. He couldn't. Kylo had tried to deny the growing feelings he'd been harboring for this scavenger over the past several months, but they would not easily be forgotten. They could not easily be forgotten. In fact, he'd given up all hope in trying. The pull to the light had been strong even before he'd met her. His family had drawn him closer and closer in every attempt to bring him back to the light. They were succeeding. He'd been only on the edge of darkness when he'd killed his father.

It was that act that he'd thought would be his final act. But instead of making him feel complete in his journey to the dark side it had only filled him with confusion and grief. He was torn between good and evil. Light and dark. Then to complete his inability to defend his choice, he met her. The girl. A scavenger. Nothing. Everything. Rey. He had no family left to return to. His mother would not have him, his father was dead by his own doing, and his uncle was no where to be seen, supposedly dead. Ren had had no meaning in life since he joined the First Order. Snoke had been a manipulator and a poor excuse for a leader, Phasma, the only one who had been merely good to him, was dead, and Hux wanted to see him dead. So what other choice did he have?

   "The only way your getting to Exegol... is with me." Kylo Ren said with finality as he crushed the wayfinder and it shattered in his palm. Her lightsaber flared with life and she cried out. "No!" Her scream sounded like a shriek. She stared at him with growing hatred and anger as he dropped the broken pieces. He had fed fuel to the fire and now he had to watch it grow. She would destroy him. But it was at this point, that he didn't care whether she would be the death of him or not. If he could not have her, if she would not join him, then the power would be meaningless.

   Kylo dodged her incoming attack and sidestepped to avoid being cut in half or loosing a limb like his uncle and grandfather had. He knew she was capable and at this point... willing. Her anger grew as she swung her ignited saber at him furiously, he continued to swerve out of the way. Kylo wouldn't use his own saber until necessary. Her strikes were ill timed and not thought through, only surged from anger so it made it easy to avoid them. As her saber came down towards his chest, Kylo threw his shoulders back and veered out of the way. She had blocked his mind from entering hers, but even then he could feel her hatred burning and pulsing through their bond. She wasn't just mad, she was blinded by pure, raw anger. It flowed through her veins, the electricity was pumping through her blood as her anger fueled her power.


   Don't make me do this. He thought to himself as avoided her swings. Rey. He tried to speak to her through their bond but she could not hear. He couldn't sense anything of her mind. Red, hot anger overrode everything else. She struck once more and  he could no longer avoid her incoming attacks. Kylo sighed and ignited his saber. It blared to life, fizzling and cracking as only a damaged saber could do and he raised it. The two sabers collided, energy pulsing through their use of the Force, giving their lightsabers the impact to kill. He blocked her incoming swing and exhaled. He knew this battle was already determined. He refused to kill her and he could see that she would not hesitate this time to destroy him. He feared what hatred she harbored for not only him, but for herself.

Ever since she had found out her birthright, anger had been fueling her, growing from within her. She hated her own being and the power that flowed within her. He hadn't wanted it to be like this. Kylo had wanted her to embrace her power. He wanted to help her to do that. He wanted her to join him so that he could teach her how to properly use her power. Kylo heard a voice call out and saw Finn, Rey's friend, coming towards them. What did that traitor think he was going to do? He could not help her. He couldn't use the force. He hadn't trained to be a Jedi. This battle was between Kylo and Rey. They were Force users he was not. He would be helpless. Kylo despised the traitor. Not only did he betray the First Order, but he was part of the reason Rey would not turn. He held her back and for that Ren hated him.

End of the Beginning (A New Hope Series)Where stories live. Discover now