Chapter Sixteen - Amends

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With a grin, Poe walked over to congratulate Rey. She smiled so brightly that he could practically see the joy emanating from her expression. Ben Solo made her truly happy, and for that, Poe was glad. Solo didn't seem half bad now that he was not Kylo Ren. He was welcoming and friendly, and seemed kind enough to those who greeted him. He truly had changed, Poe could see that much. There was no trace of the former menace known as Kylo Ren. There was nothing to fear anymore. The Supreme Leader was dead, figuratively and mentally. Poe smiled to himself. Perhaps things had worked out for the better. Their happy ending was falling into place.

Rey was happy and healthy. She was to be married and would soon have a baby. The child would grow up with a father and a mother. Poe smiled gently. That was how it should be. A child should live to know the love of a mother and a father. Poe could see that Ben already loved Rey and the baby with all of his being. He could tell when someone was in love, and that was the only thing that Ben Solo portrayed. Complete and utter love for Rey and the baby. Solo would make a good father and husband. He would be able to love and protect his family, and Poe intended to keep constant contact with the Solo family, Rey especially, to offer any help or support needed.

When Finn released Rey, Poe came up and gave her a hug. "I'm so happy for you, Rey." Rey squeezed him. "Thank you." She pulled away and met Poe's eye. "I know that it can't be easy for you to accept him, but I thank you for being so understanding." Rey sighed. "Ben has done many terrible things under the alias of Kylo Ren." She looked back at Ben who was now conversing with Finn. "But you must realize, he is not who he was then. Ben is a new person and has changed. Much for the better." Poe smiled gently. "I can see that, Rey. You don't have to explain it to me. Ben Solo has returned to the light and it was because of his love for you. Anybody can see that. I can see how very much in love you two are. And so..."

Poe swallowed back his doubts. "As my gift to you in honor of your wedding, I give Ben Solo full pardon..." Rey's smile grew and Poe continued. "As well as, he shall enter in the ranks of the Resistance as a hero." Rey's hand flew to her mouth and her eyes widened. "You really mean it?" She asked excitedly but cautiously. She was hesitant as if for fear it might be some sort of trick. Poe laughed and nodded. Rey threw her arms around Poe's neck and squealed. "Thank you! Thank you so much!" Poe pulled her into a great bear hug and lifted her off the ground, spinning her slightly. "Shall we tell your fiancé?" Poe asked her as he set her on her feet.

"I have already heard, Dameron." Poe turned to see Solo standing behind them. He looked over at Rey then nodded. "And I offer my thanks." Ben smiled. "General." He said, dipping his head in a bow. Poe waved a dismissive hand. "Honestly I think Rey would have killed me personally if I had you locked up and quite frankly, I don't think we could manage." Ben tilted his head. "I do wonder if I should take that as a compliment." Poe chuckled and Ben sighed. "I know that I have committed many inexcusable crimes. I can not justify my acts but I do ask forgiveness." Poe shrugged. "You've been pardoned Solo. It is all over-with." Ben shook his head. "I may have been pardoned, but I am asking your forgiveness personally."

This took Poe by surprise. Had Ben Solo actually come to Poe, his former enemy, and asked forgiveness? For what? For torturing him? For being the cause of so much death among Poe's his friends? Or was it merely for the relief of conviction? Ben sighed and met Poe's gaze. "I did many horrible things. To you and many of those you love. I do offer my sincerest apology." Poe narrowed his eyes, scanning Ben's expression skeptically. "Are you truly sorry?" Ben nodded. "Then stop reading my mind." Ben hesitated but stepped back, closing himself off. The embarrassment in his expression upon being caught, took Poe by surprise but he relished that one victorious moment then walked over and held out his hand.

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