Chapter Four - Truth

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Finn watched as Chewie carried Rey onto the Falcon. She looked so weak and small and there were several visible wounds covering her body. Based on appearance it would be hard to believe that this was the girl who had saved them all. This was the girl who had defeated the great and feared Emperor Palpatine. There had been rumors among the rebellion that Rey was unfit to be a Jedi, and that a no one from nowhere couldn't be their greatest warrior. They said she was in way over her head and called her crazy for facing the emperor alone. But Finn know her better than anyone else in the Resistance. She was stronger than any of them knew. She had defeated the emperor and she'd conquered the darkness within her. Finn couldn't be more proud of his best friend.

Following Chewie into the crews quarters, Finn hurriedly pulled out some blankets and a first aid kit as the Wookie laid Rey on one of the bunks. Finn looked at Chewie. "Do you think she'll be alright?" Chewbacca let out a small whimper but his eyes were hopeful. Finn sighed. "Don't worry." He looked over at Rey who's chest rose and fell slightly as she slept. "She's going to make it through this. Rey's strong. She'll be all right." Chewbacca let out a loud cry that sounded like a purr and Finn smiled. "That's the spirit, buddy. Now, we need to get back to the base as soon as possible. I have to talk to Poe. Can you help Lando pilot?" Chewie shook his head and Finn nodded. "I'll take care of her. You can go." The Wookie nodded and clamped Finn on the shoulder before making his way off to the cockpit.

Finn sat at Rey's bedside and opened the first aid kit, unsure of where to begin. She had so many wounds. Most of which he couldn't access or even begin to care for. Not only did he not have the medical ability to help her, but many of her wounds were under her clothes. Finn couldn't invade her privacy like that. It would be awkward for both of them. He would have to wait until they landed at the base to find out how badly she was injured. There Finn could get her a female medic to help her with the injuries that lay beneath her garments. He did worry because he didn't know the extent of her injuries but they should land at the Resistance base soon. There he could get Rey a medic to properly examine her.

The Falcon jarred slightly and Finn heard Chewie let out an apologetic cry. He looked back to Rey who moaned slightly and rolled over. Scrapes and cuts covered her arms, along with dirt and blood. Finn sighed as he saw the arm cuff she wore over her scar, the one she had received from one of Snoke's Praetorian guards. He didn't understand why she was so self conscious about it. Something about it bringing back too many memories and reminding her of something she wanted to forget. It was an odd scar to be sure. Almost in the shape of two hands reaching for each other. Finn sighed and laid a blanket over her. He knew that that scar held a great significance to her because of what happened that day in Snoke's throne room.

It was because of Ren. Finn felt his blood boil and he clenched his fist. He looked down at Rey. That manipulative bastard had messed with her head and broken her to no end. Finn couldn't bear to see her so weak. All the times he'd heard her muttering in her sleep and talking to herself in her room when she was alone. She was so confused and conflicted. It was Kylo Ren's fault she couldn't figure out where she belonged. He'd put the seed of conflict in her mind. Finn wondered where the bastard was now. Finn looked over to Rey who still slept peacefully and sighed. She tried so hard to find solace in her friends but they didn't know how to give her the comfort she needed. None of them knew what she was going through. Finn only knew barely. He tried to understand, but nobody truly could.

Just then, Rey startled and shuddered. She let out a soft cry and whimpered. "Ben!" Finn sighed and laid a hand on her forehead. He noticed she was holding some kind of black fabric. He reached over to take it from her but her grip tightened around it. "Ben." Rey whispered, her brow creasing. She called for him often. Finn wasn't certain who Ben was, but every once in awhile, Rey would call his name in her sleep. Finn used to have to go to her room to wake her and try to calm her when the nightmares were get really bad. Towards the end of the year, her nightmares had gotten worse. He and Poe would have to take turns checking on her and make sure she was alright. That was how their friendship had grown so strong. They all needed each other.

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