Chapter Fifteen - Friendship

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It had only been a few days since Rey had left that Finn received a message from the Falcon. Finn found it a bit odd that the message had been sent through morse code instead of an audio admission or a hologram but decided not to think too much on the matter. Rey had told them before she left that the mission she had set out for was of extreme importance. So whatever was in this message, it must have been important information and she probably wanted to keep it as secretive as possible. Because it had been sent through morse code, Finn had enlisted Beaumont to help him decode it. Rey had trusted Beaumont with the old Jedi texts, and when Finn informed Poe of the message he agreed that Beaumont could be trusted.

   As soon as he had the message decrypted, Beaumont read it off to them. "To Finn and Poe, it is at my most formal request that you join me and my companion, Ben Solo," Finn's eyes widened and Poe nodded for Beaumont to continue, looking concerned. "... on the planet known as Naboo. I have included the coordinates in this message and would truly appreciate it if you would meet me at Varykino in the Lake Country of Naboo. I would also request that you bring Rose and Zorii, along with Lando Calrissian and Maz Kanata. I have something I wish to discuss with you all but I would rather reveal it to you when you arrive. I hope to see you soon. Yours Truly, Rey."

Beaumont finished reading the letter and Finn and Poe stood in shock. Finn was amazed. He thought Solo had died during the last battle on Exegol. Rey had told them that she was going back to Ahch-To. She said it was "calling to her". So then how, did she end up on a random planet by the name of Naboo with Ben Solo? How was Solo even alive? Had Rey found a way to bring him back to life? The thought made Finn shudder. He knew that nothing was impossible through the Force but he didn't think it could overcome death. But then again, if Solo has brought Rey back, then whose to say that she couldn't do the same for him? Finn turned to Poe. "Well? What do you have to say about all this?"

   Poe's hand remained faithfully at the stubble along his jaw as he contemplated what to do. Finally, he cleared his throat sharply and spoke. "Well... Rey is a very smart girl. I assume she knows what she is doing. I think that we should do as she has asked. I know that Ben Solo being formerly Kylo Ren puts a strain on seeing him face to face. Especially with his crimes, but I think we should give him a chance for Rey's sake. Her's and the baby's. You are closer to her than anyone else, and I consider her very dear to me... she is like a sister to me. We have never been able to do much for her, but now we can give her at least this. Besides, Rey is the Resistance's greatest ally. She has never asked for much from the Resistance in return for her service. We owe her at least this much."

   Finn nodded, the whole ordeal still leaving an unsettling feeling in the pit of his stomach. He knew Poe was right. Rey was smart, and she had to know what she was doing or else she wouldn't have invited them to come. Finn sighed. He was still reluctant to face Ben Solo. Finn wanted nothing to do with the former Knight of Ren, but if it would make Rey happy then he supposed he owed her that much. She'd risked her life more than once on his behalf. "Shall I tell the girls?" Finn asked and Poe nodded. "I'll take care of transportation and decide who will assume command while we are gone." Finn nodded and set out to find everyone who would be joining them.

    Rose was the first person he came across. She smiled up at him as he approached. "Hi Finn." Then she seemed to notice his sullen expression and became serious. "What's wrong?" Finn shook his head. "It's nothing." Rose lifted a hand to Finn's cheek and frowned. "It's not nothing. What's concerning you?" Finn sighed. "Rey has invited us to join her on the planet she has chosen to live on." Rose's expression became confused. "Well that's a good thing is it not? You and Rey are close friends." Finn nodded. "Yes. It'll be nice to see her. That's not what's bothering me." Rose tilted her head. "Then what is?"

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