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Hiccup's POV

Obviously, I didn't actually have to go out for supplies but I did have to tell SOMEONE about the fact that my dragon became human right? RIGHT??

At this point, I just can't even think straight, I couldn't tell if he just meant that kiss to be translated to a lick to the face or if, in fact, he has feelings for me, I know I had asked him and such but, AGHHH!!!

I bonk my head onto a nearby house's wall, all eyes on me as I mentally battle with the options I have for Toothless, where he would stay, what to do, but-

"What if he can't turn back?" I ask myself, probably making myself look like even more of a lunatic in front of my own people. Ignoring that possibility I enter a nearby bar, searching for Bobber the All-Mighty. And it doesn't take me less than a minute to find the round figure seated around a table with other grown men, why grown you ask, well, it may be because of the fact that literally every man in this village has managed to grow a beard by age 10 and I've gotten nothing compared to them.

"Oh-Hey guys look! It be Hiccup, come here lad!" He motions his large mug of beer in one hand to the empty seat in front of him, allowing me a place amongst the real Vikings.

"Haha, hey Gobber, looking well," I greet, nervously absorbing the rough atmosphere of everyone's eyes on me as I come up for an excuse to get a minute with him alone to talk about a certain someone.

"P'tty good, all good, although, I must say, when are you planning on finding yourself a wife to settle on eh?" He brings up ever so casually, Of course, of fucking course he had to bring that subject up, why me?

"Uh, well, you see I just don't think that I and Astrid are, are ready for something like that. I'm not even 30 yet!" I defend.

"But ya don't want ya children to witness you so old either right?" He bursts into laughter with the other men around him, not stopping this conversation anytime sooner.

Irritated enough as it is with what's going through my head I kick his bad leg (at least what's left of it anyway) hard enough to obtain his attention, and maybe a whine from him, "meet outside in two minutes."

Knowing this is something urgent he stops his laughing and smiling, and sets his mug down.

"Duty calls boys, sorry," his group of friends all share a saddened expression as Gobber arises from his warm seat to clumsily walk, with a limp, towards the doors that lead outside.

Already having waited only a minute for his arrival just a few extra steps outside of the door I whisper-yell to his ear, "Gobber, Toothless...Toothless turned human."

A moment of silence, and then a centuries worth of laughter filled the grim air surrounding us as he smacks his knee and leans over, his stomach probably ready to burst any minute with how ridiculous this new information might seem to him.

"Ah, haha, Hiccup, I knew you were very creative with such things but never to this extent! Ah-haha!"

Gritting my teeth and hands into fists I violently bring his face closer to mine to regain his attention, "Gobber. This. Is NOT imaginary. Just follow me and I'll show you myself." I threaten, but he follows, his doubts relevantly high but hopeful, considering the tone I used to get him to focus on the almost impossible chances of any miracle having happened.

I just hope Toothless made a wise decision in staying put to welcome our uninvited guest...

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