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Hiccup's POV:

I allow the sun to slowly cover my face from the window, hearing Toothless rustle nearby- somewhere in this mess of blankets. Turning my head to my left with my stomach still in contact with the mattress, I come across the man I was looking for, and when I say I've never seen anyone look so attractive while sleeping, I MEAN- I'VE LITERALLY NEVER SEEN SOMEONE LOOK SO GODDAMN-

"What're you staring at?" Toothless teases, his eyes still closed, but slightly parting at the sense of me heating up like the lovesick boy I am.

"N-nothing-" I rush to get up off of bed but he grabs my wrist just in time and throws me back on the bed, lifting that same wrist above my head while he rises above me, shirtless may I add.

"You should really stop, Hiccup," is all he says, taking a hungry look over at my state.

"Stop-stop w-what?" Is all I can manage before he lowers his head down to my level until his lips meet my ear, making me squirm just slightly in concern of what it'll do to my body.

"Stop being so fucking cute," He growls and I feel him start to suck on the skin on my neck.

There's not much I can really do but enjoy the bliss as he restrains me only tighter above my head, not wanting to let go at any moment.

"T-Toothless, wait," I groan, feeling a tent form in my jeans, but Toothless pays no mind to it, instead, he strikes harder and is determined to make me scream for the whole village to hear.

But before I can scream out in pleasure of what is merely just a tease, there's a knock on the door, and Toothless and I both jolt in surprise. As if all planned out as well, he lets go of my wrist and he rushes to the closet while composing myself for our unexpected guest.

"Who is it?" I begin to ask before opening the door, only to be met with Astrid's pale blue eyes, "Oh, Astrid, this is um, an unexpected surprise. What's up?"

"Hey, Hiccup- eh- I don't really know how else to put it but, well," Oh shit, I begin to think of all the different terrible scenarios that this could take just from what's about to leave her mouth, "We're having a meeting down in the bar about your plans for marriage. Did you forget about it?" More like- I WAS NEVER EVEN TOLD ABOUT THIS!

"Oh- shit um, no- didn't forget just didn't know what hour is all, but I'll be down in a few minutes," I say only half-heartedly, definitely not looking forward to discussing my opinion about this whole marriage thing.

"Great, I'll see you in a few then!" She smiles like this would be the greatest time of my life and waves goodbye as I shut the door behind her.

I'm met by arms just as quickly as the door shuts, listening to Toothless's breathing quicken in what could only be concern about what's to be decided down in the village.


"Y-yeah?" I ask back, wrapping my smaller frame around his large one in comfort.

"You're not ACTUALLY going to marry her are you?" He questions, hugging me only tighter in fear of losing me.

"NO- of course not!" I yell in protest, which brings relief to Toothless, feeling him loosen his grip and his breathing slow down.

He sighs, "but then, just what DO you plan to do?"

He finally lets go, allowing me to look into those sea-green eyes of his and answer back.

"I-I'll figure it out, maybe...maybe I could ask for more time to think about this and I don't know, let them know that..."

I allow for us a moment of silence before Toothless can take his lucky guess of what I was proposing.

"That you like guys? That you love me?" And he smiles, god that smile is just breathtaking.

"Yes." I simply state, and I don't think I've ever witnessed him as happy and excited as he is about anything like he is now as he scoops my small face in his hands and roughly kisses me, pushing me slowly towards the door as he lifts up my legs and starts to grind on me.

"Ah- Toothless," I beg, not feeling my bulge leave me at any given time.

"What is it, baby? What," He sighs in pleasure, "what do you want?"

"You." I tease, feeling him stop all at once before he takes a long look at my weakened state, his eyes turning into that same purple they had previously turned into when in need of assistance, or maybe...lust?

Toothless growls, picking me up and throwing me into the bed, "I thought I told you to stop doing that," he playfully threatens, getting back over me and sliding his hands under my shirt, pulling it off and allowing his fangs- that had grown out just a little- trace the pale skin of my torso pleasingly.

"Shit, wait Toothless- ah- the meeting," I sigh, attempting to stop him before this gets...bad.

"Fuck, you're right, sorry," his eyes quickly turn back into their natural color and his fangs hide as he gets off of me, allowing me to rush to get changed, but while I search for a new shirt to wear I feel him hug me from behind in his shirtless state and whisper, "but this isn't over."

Sending shivers down my spine, I stutter out an ok, knowing he must be enjoying how red and flustered he's making me feel right now- well- always makes me feel, to be honest...

After I'm done changing, I hold open the door, looking back at Toothless as he sits patiently on the bed, "You don't wanna come with?" I offer.

"Nah, if I come across Astrid, there's no knowing how much of her is going to leave the meeting," he jokes.

I laugh along, "Ok, well, hopefully, I won't take long, there's food in the fridge if you're hungry."

"Got it, bye." He says, only wanting me to be home as soon as possible for us to finish what we've started.

"See ya!" And I leave, not really sure just how accepting the community is going to be when I tell them that Astrid isn't the one for me and that...well...I'm gay!

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