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Hiccup's POV

I wake up, feeling a hot breath next to my neck, and feel the warm body next to me resembling Toothless, his arms still securing me, well US, from falling. But I decide to keep myself quite in hopes that this moment will last forever, and of course, things never seem to be going my way and there's a knock at my door. Toothless jolts awake, rummaging through the sheets to hide himself but the door bursts open to reveal Gobber with a content smile on his face.

"Hiccup, lad! The whole island is awake at this hour, what are you still doing in bed?!" He scolds, walking over, not noticing the unfamiliar body under the covers next to me as Toothless hugs my waist for reassurance.

"W-why does that matter again?" I ask, the arms next to me slowly snaking their way up to my nipples as I take an attempt at having a conversation with our guests.

"Ya' really arent' awake yet are ya'?" He jokes, "Astrid is sending the whole island invitations for her party tonight, and you're still in bed, practically hiding from her presence! Are you gonna go with Toothless? Hey, speaking of which, where is Toothless?"

So now he notices...

"He's uh, out right now, but what uh, what," I stutter at my worst, feeling him toy with my skin, pinching at my weak spots until I take a big gasp, "what's the party for? She never-n-never does anything that big." I elbow his head from behind me, getting him to stop.

"Ha! Beats me but I suggest you go, maybe ya' know, get with her and discuss the plans for the wedding, eh?" His hands clasp like he's just sold a car to a billionaire.

"Gobber! You know there's no wedding, why do you people insist?!" I yell, complaint written on my forehead because this whole rumor about me and Astrid is a complete lie.

"Whatever you say Hiccup, but soon you'll have to find yar' own wife or someone by your side to rule with, no more "Prince" of Berk, hear me?" He says, pointing his hook at my face, and although dad isn't around, Gobber serves as a good substitute.

"Yeah, yeah, you done yet?" I ask, desperate for him to leave, only worried what Toothless will say about the party, and if he would actually be interested in going.

"Yup', that's all, lad, I'll show my way out I guess," He chuckles, knowing I really don't have quite a choice, I can't be determined to rule on my own, but marrying Astrid seems ludicrous, we don't even see each other anymore, at least after Toothless became human, which was only a day but still. He's the one I love and Astrid is just Astrid I guess.

Arms wrap around my shoulders, a presence too well known to ignore pulling me closer as if death be ready to take me now.

"Are you...are you gonna marry her?" Toothless asks in an end-of-a-survey-way, practically securing my final decision, but even I can't grant him a correct answer as I did with Gobber. Instead, I let myself lean in his chest, and being the strong person he is, he keeps himself in position, caressing my torso by rubbing soothing circles onto my stomach as if I were pregnant.

"Are you going to the party?" I throwback.

"Only if you're there," He whispers next to my ear, "I wanna see what fun stuff you guys are up to when I'm not around." He smiles, cuddling me closer, then letting go to change his clothes, although I stop him, taking a hold on his wrist.

"Shower. I'm not gonna let you hang out here if you don't learn your manners," I warn, "it's to the left in the kitchen."

"Oh I know where it's at," he starts, "I would always take a peek at what's under your-"

I interrupt him, getting up myself to shove him into the bathroom, closing the door as my face finishes blooming a pink from the words he couldn't finish. Because other than my parents being the only ones witnessing me naked, it would be Toothless. Agh, how embarrassing...but I guess we're going! 

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