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Toothless' POV

"What the-" I start questioning everything as water is flowing through the sink in Hiccup's tiny kitchen area, "What type of strange monstrosity is this? WITCHERY!!" I yelled, backing away behind the bed as the steady motion of the water continues uninterrupted. But my ears catch the sound of feet, four maybe, that are approaching the door to the small cottage, and at first it worries me that Hiccup might have brought his dad over to investigate but then again, that's not something Hiccup's capable of, right? Right?

"Toothless? I brought company!" I hear his voice echoe as the keys make their way through the knob and open the door at the right moment, and I only say that because I managed to get my new form hidden in between the clothes in Hiccup's closet. Agh! But the liquid through the metal tube-

"Toothless?" He asks once more, searching around for me, but I stay put, afraid of the person that's with him.

"Are ya sure he's even here?" That voice! I recognize it from somewhere! G...Gobber?!

Joy overtaking the fear that previously took a hold of me, I jump out of the closet, some clothes still dangling on me as I ran to him, giving him a warm welcome I would have offered even as a dragon, "Gobber!!"

"OH. MY-" I don't offer him the opportunity to say a sentence before my arms are over his shoulders, roughly patting his back, knowing he isn't as small and adorable as Hiccup himself.

"Yup, that's um, Toothless!" Hiccup greets with his arms behind his back awkwardly, although just now realizing that someone left the water running and attending to it.

"Blind me'," Bobber gasps, patting my back in response, letting go afterward only to be kept wide-eyed at my features. But I know better than to let anyone look at me with googly-eyes except for my beloved Hiccup.

"Yeah, that's me!" I say, the joy not bothering to leave the smile I have, but I make my way over to Hiccup, standing next to him, wanting so deeply to wrap my arm around his waist as we continue to talk to Gobber, explaining the situation. And for once, he's actually listening, and on the other hand, I have my own thoughts going, wanting to push Hiccup on the mattress not too far away and do the things I only dreamed of doing as a human, and now that I am, it's even harder to preserve such needs. I want him to call my name out and scream forever as I-

"Toothless? You ok?" Hiccup asks, standing by the door by himself, as I only now notice that Gobber has left the scene.

"Yeah, yeah, just thinking," I said, not wanting Hiccup to interrogate me even further, but this is HICCUP we're talking about.

"About...what?" He continues, sitting down on the bed, and I only follow him, knowing it won't ease my previous thoughts and images of what I'm capable of now as a human to do to the sheets.

"How much I missed you," I say, letting my head fall on his shoulder as I lean on him, the thoughts wanting to and needing to become reality by the second as I feel him take my hand in his and outlining the traces of my new skin.

And he lets out a tiny giggle, "Toothless, I was only gone for what? Five minutes, and I find the sink left running?"

"So that's what it's called?" I ensure.

"Right, you've just turned human." Hiccup reminds himself.

"But I've always loved you, even before today."

"U-um," he stutters out, letting go of my hand and he fumbles with the fuzz around his sleeveless vest.

"Hee, don't be scared Hiccup, I'll only go as far as you want me to, love," I whisper, taking my lips to his neck and nibbling on his soft skin, it's like his skin is silk compared to the dragon scales I previously had.

"M'k," Hiccup murmurs, laying on his back for me to much more easily obtain roaming his body.

I take the chance and strip myself of the fabric over my chest to reveal tattoos that were probably the only thing that transferred to this body, the scales imprinted on only my upper arms and on the side of my neck. Hu, I've grown rather fond of them.

Hiccup keeps his eyes partially open, probably thinking that I'm going to go behind my own promise so that I can take advantage of him, but I know better than that. Instead, I let my arms roam under his shirt, sensing his arms squirm higher above his head at the feeling of my touch. Knowing that I have such control of him brings satisfaction to me, a strong one at that.

"Toothless," He calls, just like in my dreams, but...it's too soon, way too soon for us t do any of that. ESPECIALLY on my first day as a human.

I freeze in place, now realizing the risks of the current situation, so I just lay on him, stopping him from squirming.

"Toothless?" He asks from underneath me, letting his hands touch my hair, "Everything ok?"

"Absolutely." I simply state, hugging his small frame, "I don't want to ruin you just yet is all."

"Yet?" Hiccup gulps.

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