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I hugged kade and walked upstairs to my room. I started to brush my hair and jamming out to some music. Emilio was standing at the door away watching me. I finished brushing my hair and parted it down the middle.
Emilio- "Hey baby jake needs you." I put one side of nyvhair up in a low ponytail and walked downstairs.
Scar- "Yes my I help you?" He came up to me and picked me up.
Jake- "I am really sorry." He put me down and I looked at him.
Scar- "Jake don't ever thing that me getting hurt is your fault its nobody's fault I was just trying to protect my older brother that I love a lot. It does not matter if I get hurt only if your ok and breathing and alive that all that matters to me." I hugged jake and fmhe put his head into my shirt and it started to get damp. I stood o my toes and rubbed the back of his head.
Jake- "Scarlett it just feel like you have been hurt a lot and your only 18 years old and it feels like I have not been their to help you at all and it scares me that you are a beautiful talented girl just getting hurt by a fucking drunk guy 24/7. It just feels like I am having my life taken away every time I see you hurt and I just breaks my heart." I hugged him really tight and smiled.
Jake- "One last thing." I smiled and looke at him.
Jake- "Do you want to watch a movie later?" I smiled and shook my head.
Jake- "Ok go and get ready kiddo." I ran back up the stairs to my room. Right then Wrika started yelling at me.
Erika- "Why did you tell him!" She pinned me against the wall and jake grabbed her arms and pulled her off of me.
Scar- "You want to know fucking why. I could not even stand looking at you knowing that he rested you and you cheated on him every other week since I have been here. I want you to get out off this damn house before I make you get out." I looked her dead in the eyes and she slapped me on her away out really hard.
Jake- "You know what your are never going to slap my sister just because you're mad at her." I had tears running down my face and put my face into my knees.
Jake- "Scar I am sorry." He picked my head up and my eyes were blurred up with tears.
Scar- "I knew she never liked me." I stood up and went to the bathroom and grabbed a knife.
Jake- "Scarlett Grace Paul you are putting that knife down right know!" I put it down and rolled my eyes. I started at myself in the mirror or a moment and started to cry.
Scar- "No wonder why nobody likes me I am fat, ugly, worthless, and I just don't matter." Jake came up to me and hugged me really tight.
Jake- "Is it bad that I think you do matter." I looked up at him and smiled.
Scar- "You can think whatever you want it's not what the Jake Paulers say about me. They just tell me that I should go die in a whole and all this other stuff and I cant deal with that stuff any longer." I had tear stand on my face after I cried a while on Jake's shoulder.
Jake- "Fuck the haters dude you are nothing that they tell you. You are going to stand up for yourself and show them how amazing your are know get ready and I am staying in here with you because I can." I rolled my eyes and brushed out the part I had down of my hair. I started braiding my hair as I saw jake dancing around the bathroom.
Scar- "You make me glow. Won't cover up won't let it show." Jake's jaw dropped as I smiled. I really miss us having a really close bond like we used to.
Jake- "Their you go people my sister is amazing." I laughed and rolled my eyes. I finished brading my hair and kicked jake out for a few moments. I got changed into this:

I walked downstairs and jake smiled

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I walked downstairs and jake smiled. 
Jake-  "You need to wear glass more you look cute." I smiled back and felt Emilio's arms around my waist.
Scar- "Olá bem lá considerável" (Well hello there handsome.)
Emilio- "I don't know what you said please tell me?" I smiled and looked at him.
Scar- "Well hello their handsome." He smiled and hugged me.
Jake- "Oh yeah she speaks Portuguese." I laughed at the way jake was trying to say it.
Emilio- "Ok now wonder why I did not understand." I smiled and answered my phone.
Scar- "Olá."
Steve- "Olá o dobre me deu sue número." I smiled and laughed.
Scar- "Sim obrigado." I hung up the phone and looked up. Everybody just looked at me like I was a weird lady.
Scar- "I am scared to I am just going to back up and hide somewhere have fun." I walked out the door and sat on the stairs and scrolled through Instagram.
*Jake's POV*
She walked out the door and it shut on her way out.
Mini- "jake who was that?" I smiled and looked at him.
Jake- "That's my sister buddy." We both walked outside and she stood up and answered the phone.
Scar- "Hello. Yes Yes. Ok. Bye see you later love ya too." She walked around with her hand son her head.
Scar- "No this can't be happening." I came out to her and tapped her shoulder.
Jake- "I will make sure dad does not lay a fucking hand on you ok." She turned around and looked at me.
Scar- "Ok thanks jake who's this little kid?" Mini (aka Mini Jake paul) came up to us and hugged her leg.
Scar- "Hey kiddo." She smiled and messed with his hair.
Mini- "I like her what's he name?" I smiled and looked at him.
Jake- "Buddy ask her not me." She smiled as he looked up at her.
Scar- "My name his Scarlett what's your name?" Tydus smiled as she picked him up.
Tydus- "I am Tydus. Your name is really pretty." She smiled at him and laughed.
Scar- "Thank you." We all walked inside and she sat him down.
Tydus- "Is she going to the movies with us." I nodded as he smiled.
*Scars POV*
Jake nodded and he smiled at jake.
Scar- "He is so excited more than I am." I smiled as jake wrapped his arms around my neck.
Scar- "Jake I don't need my new glasses breaking." He let go and looked at me.
Jake- "Your a wizard harry." I started to laugh and walked to the piano and played random keys that I though sound good.
Jake- "She very talented." I smiled and grabbed my music book. I sat it down and flipped through the pages and smiled.
Scar- "Jake come here choose one I have more you can choose from too." Jake smiled as he grabbed the book.
Jake- "This one." He sat it down and I smiled.
Scar- "Ok whatever I will give it go." I started to play/sing as logan and his crew came in and watched me. I kept on playing even though I hard logan whispering to jake about something. I finished up the song and stood up.
Everybody- "Amazing." I hugged logan and smiled.
Logan- "Did you hear he is coming."

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