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Emilio- "Baby?" He looked at me and then at the counter.
Scar- "What's up hottie?" He sat down then pulled me onto my lap.
Scar- "Tonster come here." I got up and he frowned.
Scar- "Baby stop I have to talk to him I will be back behave yourslef." Anthony and I walked outside and I closed the door.
Scar- "Should I take a pregnancy test?"
Anthony- "It better be safe then sorry kiddo I will go by them."
Scar- "Tonster you don't have to."
Anthony- "I am going to." I rolled my eyes and walked inside and to my bedroom to grab my makeup.
Scar- "Emilio?"
Emilio- "Yeah." He looked at my hand and nodded.
Scar- "I love you." He smiled and rolled his eyes.
Jake-  "Scarlett is a huge fan of James Charles and Jeffrey Star." I nodded and pulled out the pallets.
Scar- "I have all their brushes and pallets."
Jake- "Why so much?"
Scar- "Cause I am ugly and hell without the friends of makeup."
Emilio- "Baby your beautiful." He kissed me on the lips and I smiled.
Emilio- "This should be a vidoe."
Anthony- "The store is closed I will get them tomorrow." Anthony's girlfriend walked in and I smiled.
Jake- "We are doing a make up challenge."
Girl- "I am glad I brought my makeup."
Tana- "Same here." I turned Emilio's chair and sat on his leg.
Kade- "I am filming."
Scar- "Here then my guy." I gave him the camera and he turned it on.
Scar- "What is up berlinsters of you guys are new here I am Scarlett Paul and this is not the team ten house but whatever." Emilio smiled and grabbed my butt and I jumped.
Scar- "Baby." I rolled my eyes and looked a Kade.
Scar- "I got this idea from a mix if Emilio and the dobre brothers. The dobre posted a video the their girlfriends or friends that were girls did their makeup. And the boys did their makeup. So today we are going to do it." Emilio sat down and I tried to move the chair but fell.
Scar- "Oww. Baby can you move the chair to the corner?" He nodded and picked it up. I moved the other to chairs and grabbed my makeup. I grabbed the foundation and smiled.
Emilio- "I made you happy." I nodded and looked at him.
Scar- "Your already handsome baby." He smiled and looked up at me.
Scar- "Just tell me if it hurts ok." He nodded and I started to dap it onto his face.
Emilio- "On a scale from one to ten how hot am I going to look afterwards?"
Scar- "I will tell you at the end." He smiled and I picked up his head.
Kade- "Tana how are you feeling?"
Tana- "Great but her looks are amazing online on YouTube and Instagram so I think I am going go do alright." He walked over to Anthony and smiled.
Kade- "How are you feeling?" I sat on Emilio's leg and Kade looked at me.
Kade- "Are you making sure all the hickeys are covered up."
Scar- "He has a five o'clock shadow." Kade smiled and Emilio looked up.
Girl- "I am feeling great. I am somewhat in Tana's boat she is really good."
Scar- "You guys are nice I never rush perfection." Emilio but his head down and I grabbed concealer.
Emilio- "What's this?"
Scar- "Concealer." Ivan walked in and looked at us.
Emilio- "She did it to you."
Ivan- "Yes I said I would do whatever the top comment said and it said to to let her do my makeup." I looked at my phone and wiped away my tears.
Ivan- "What's wrong?"
Scar- "Haters I am fine." I blend out the concealer and squeezed his cheeks.
Scar- "You look handsome baby." He smile and grabbed me by my waist.
Scar- "Woah their childnit on my clothes." He let go and I lifted up his head. I finished blending it out and I grabbed bronzer.
Emilio- "What's next Iwant to be taught."
Scar- "This is bronzer to make you have a better jawline then I gave Ivan." I smiled and Emilio grabbed my hand.
Scar- "Let go." He let go an I turned his head and made him look down.
Scar- "Damn he is going to have a nice one." Kade came up go me and looked at his face.
Kade- "Are you having fun their Martinez?"
Emilio- "Yeah but a bunch of looking around."
Scar- "I know but the struggle is real."
Girl- "Aman sister." I smiled and picked up his head.
Scar- "After I am done you are going to like it." I blend in the bronzer and grabbed my highlighter.
Scar- "Baby chose a color?"
Emilio- "Is this highlighter because you ask me do this every morning and you know the one I like."
Scar- "I know but that one ran out but I used this one this morning." I pointed at the one and he looked at my face.
Emilio- "I will do that one." I nodded and but it on his face.
Tana- "I am almost done."
Scar- "Mine takes forever." I looked at Emilio and smiled.
Scar- "Uhg this looks bad one is even then the other one is like why is she doing this to me type of mod." Anthony's gir game up to me and looked at it.
Girl- "It looks fine."
Scar- "Baby are you allergic to tape?"
Emilio- "You aren't waxing my eyebrows."
Scar- "Nahh It is for the wing I am doing."
Emilio- "I am becoming a bird baby?" He stood up and laid his hands on my shoulders.
Scar- "Maybe. We will make you into a handsome bird if you sit your ass back down." He smiled and sat back down.
Anthony- "I have stuff on my teeth!" I looked up and smiled.
Scar- "Tonster come here." He walked up to me and I wiped it off.
Scar- "Their you go you look hot by the way?"
Anthony- "In a friendly way?"
Scar- "Yeah she is doing a good job." He back down and I smiled.
Emilio- "Are we almost done?"
Scar- "Almost."
Emilio- "This is fun."
Anthony- "Dose this man help you?"
Scar- "Sometimes."
Emilio- "I choose out the highlighter that's all."
Jake- "Scarlett is cute makeup or not."
Scar- "Yeah right." I rolled my eyes and grabbed my eyebrow brush.
Ivan- "You used this one on me." Ivsn pointed at one and everybody looked at Ivan.
Kade- "Dang."
Scar- "It was for a tiktok."
Emilio- "For the tik tok they say. For the views they say. To make your girl happy they say. We cant do it for the views." I crossed my arms and rolled my arms.
Anthony- "Well you have to try to keep that one happy or she will run off." I rolled my eyes and finished his makeup.
Emilio- "We are done."
Scar- "Theirs a bathroom in the kitchen if you guys want to look in their I will be right back." I ran upstairs and looked my bathroom door and cut myself. I knew Emilio was never the right guy. I walked into my bedroom.
Emilio- "Babygirl." He looked at me and I rolled my eyes.
Scar- "It's over."
Emilio- "Nahh your playing."
Scar- "I ain't fucking playing I knew you were never happy with me."
Emilio- "I am."
Scar- "No body is Emilio their is all of these other girls and you chose me why?"
Scar- "All these other girls are all cute and hot. Then their is just me that is the most ugly mother fucker on this world." Emilio came up to me and looked out the door.
Emilio- "I never said that just because I said that you can't keep a girl happy is because most girls you can't. They are just like Ricky that will just act like they love you then flat out not at the end. I chose you because you aren't one of those girls that I know don't have to push themselves to be pretty. I chose you because I knew that we could have a future together just please dont do this again." I looked away and he moved my head back to face him.
Scar- "I already fucked up the promise I made Jake and know he is going to kill me." I sat down onto the bed and Jake came in.
Scar- "He is going to kill me I know it because I am a horrible disgusting person." I stood up and slid down the wall.
Emilio- "Scar he is not going to kill you I promise."
Scar- "That is the first time I have ever heard somebody call me Scar in a while." Jake squatted down and put his hand on my cheek.
Jake- "Why?"
Scar- "I thought he was going to dump me to go be with Erika because she sent him disgusting pictures on his phone and said that he ha dye fake cheat on me just so they can date."
Emilio- "I will never leave you to be with that hoe ever." I looked at him and frowned.
Scar- "You promise?" He nodded and kissed me.
Emilio- "I promise to infinity baby." He kissed my forehead and I smiled
Scar- "I love you." He helped me up and pulled me in by the waist.
Emilio- "I love you more." I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. Jake started film and Emilio rubbed my back.
Chance- "Let's have them make love we will leave them alone." They walked out and Emilio picked me up. He closed the door and locked it. He threw me onto the bed and hovered over me.
Scar- "Baby are you sure?" I had tears running down my face.
Emilio- "Whenever your ready baby." I rubbed the back of his head then whispered "We can make love but not do sex baby." He nodded then kissed me patiently. It was a different kinda of kiss. I got on top of him and rubbed my 🐱 on his 🍆. He grabbed my butt and squeezed it. I let go and hovered over him still rubbing.
Emilio- "Is this making love?" He whispered.
Scar- "Yeah."
Emilio- "It feels good." He groaned. I kissed him to make him be quiet. We stopped and he started to bit my neck.
Anthony- "Sorry am I interrupting?" Is hook my head and pulled my hair over my neck. Emilio but his head into my neck and started to bite it.
Scar- "Baby stop I don't have that much hair."
Emilio- "Your mine." I giggled and hugged him.
Scar- "Baby stop."
Emilio- "What if I don't."
Scar- "No cuddles or kisses for a week." He smirked then frowned.
Emilio- "I'll stop." I shook my head and backed up.
Scar- "You were back talking me. So nun for 1 1/2 weeks." He frowned and looked at me.
Emilio- "No baby I can't survive that long."
Scar- "Poor Mr. Martinez." I squeezed his cheeks and smiled.
Emilio- "You have a beautiful smile." We walked downstairs and Jake looked at him.
Jake- "Bro what's wrong?"
Emilio- "I was back talking her and she told me that I get now kisses or cuddles for 1 1/2 weeks Jake." He crossed his arms and looked at him.
Scar- "You now know your lesson right?" Emilio nodded and looked down.
Jake- "You know Emilio can't go that long."
Scar- "He has some babies you can go watch."
Emilio- "I don't want to." I looked at him and rolled my eyes.
Scar- "No you know what for a month."
Emilio- "Fine." He walked up the stairs and I smiled.
Scar- "I love that kid."
Jake- "That was kinda sad to watch."
Scar- "It feels like he hates me."
Jake- "He probably does." I walked upstairs and looked at him.
Scar- "How about this no you know what and I have a kiss." He smashed his lips into mine and I smiled.
Emilio- "I am sorry baby I will never back talk you again." I nodded and looked at the babies.
Scar- "Let's go and get you guys into your pajamas little misters."
Emilio- "What time is it?"
Scar- "Almost 7:30 pm dude." I picked up Mitchell and Anthony came in.
Emilio- "Dang." I put Mitchell on the bed and changed his dipper.
Scar- "Hey Tonster." I looked up and smiled.
Scar- "Aww he is waving at you." I sat him up and Anthony came up to him.
Anthony- "Are you going to bed?" Mitchell nodded and hid his face into my leg.
Jake- "I got to say Anthony would make a great dad."
Anthony- "In the future." I smiled and picked up Mitchell.
Scar- "Hey little mister who's that?" I pointed at Jake and Mitchell smiled.
Jake- "Hey their little mister." I smiled and Jake grabbed him.
Scar- "Jake be careful." Jake nodded and I smiled.
Jake- "You have grown alot sence I last seen you." Mitchell nodded and smiled.
Jake- "I think you have a lot to say kiddo." I smiled and grabbed Michael.
Jake- "Mitchell look." Mitchell looked at me and smiled.
Scar- "Hey there handsome man." I walked up to them and kissed Mitchell on the cheek.
Jake- "Can we take them downstairs so the squad can see them?" I nodded and walked downstairs.
Kade- "Holy shit how old are they?"
Scar- "4 ½ months old." I smiled and Kade grabbed Michael.
Kade- "I missed you kiddo." Michael nodded and smiled.
Kade- "Is all they do is nodded."
Scar- "Yeah they do that, smile and laugh a lot." Mitchell looked at me and held out his arms to me.
Scar- "You don't want him anymore huh?" I grabbed him and Tristan smiled.

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