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*Emilio's POV*
I walked downstairs quietly and laid Mitchell on Scarlett's chest. I walked back upstairs and grabbed Michael from the room. I sat him in the highchair and started to make breakfast.
Scar- "Good morning baby." I turned around and smiled.
Emilio- "Good morning hermosa."
Scar- "You look handsome." I smiled and looked at her.
Emilio- "I an wearing just a pair of pants is that you expectation?"
Scar- "You still look handsome." She put Mitchell down and kissed me.
Emilio- "Baby I have to finish cooking." She frowned and crossed her arms.
Scar- "Fine I will just leave then." She walked away and I cleared my throat.
Emilio- "I never told you that I want my hermosa reina over here." She smiled and walked back over to me.
Scar- "Hey you told me you were finishing cooking."
Emilio- "I know but it is more fun having you in here." I grabbed the eggs and she looked at me.
Scar- "So what are we having?"
Emilio- "I am making waffles."
Scar- "I am going upstairs to take a quick shower I will be right back." My eyes widened when I remembered that Ivan doesn't want her in their.
Emilio- "Baby you can't Ivan doesn't want people in their."
Scar- "To bad I need to get my clothes and I will take a shower down here." She ran up the stairs and grabbed her things then went into the bathroom.
Ivan- "She walked in on me doing it bro!"
Emilio- "I told her but she didn't listen."
Ivan- "It's fine but next time knock Scarlett!"
Scar- "I did nobody answered so I walked in so next time don't do it on my bed." She slammed the door and I heard the water running.
Emilio- "Do you have a girlfriend?"
Ivan- "Shut up you have a wife and I feel alone because I don't have one." I smiled and walked into the kitchen.
Emilio- "Ok ask her if she wants waffles?" I smiled and finished mixing the batter. Scarlett walked back out into the kitchen and sat down at the Island. I smiled and sat a waffle in front of her.
Scar- "Thanks baby." She started to play with it and I looked at her.
Emilio- "What's wrong?" She looked at me and rolled her eyes.
Scar- "I'm not hungry." She tried to stand up and I grabbed her hand.
Emilio- "You are not leaving the table until half of that waffle is gone." She rolled her eyes and put it in the microwave.
Scar- "I want nutella." She crossed her arms and I kissed her nose.
Scar- "Baby stop that tickled." Her and I turned to the stairs and saw a girl walking down the stairs.
Scar- "She's dating Marcus!"
Nevaeh- "Shh it's prank I want to prank Marcus."
Scar- "You about gave me a heart attack." I grabbed the nutella and wiped some on her nose. Michael started to laugh and I wiped more on her face.
Scar- "Baby stop it's going to make it look like I was playing in poop." She walked to the bathroom and wiped it off.
Emilio- "I love you baby."
Scar- "Well I don't." She walked back out of the bathroom and grabbed it our of my hand.
Scar- "Give me that." She grabbed her waffle and put it on it.
Nevaeh- "Your weird."
Scar- "Thank you?"
*Scarlett's POV*
I finished eating and the doorbell ring.
Scar- "I got it!" I went to the door and opened it.
Marcus- "Do you know where Nevaeh is. I haven't seen her since this morning?"
Scar- "I haven't seen her I will ask Ivan and Emilio."
Scar- "Ivan and Emilio Martinez come here!"
Ivan- "Yeah?"
Scar- "Is Nevaeh here?"
Ivan- "Yeah we will be down their in a minute we are helping Emilio."
Scar- "Ok just come down here when you guys are done!" They all came in and took off their shoes.
Lucas- "Do you guys want to make a tiktok?"
Scar- "Nahh I am good." I rubbed my arm and tapped my foot.
Scar- "Any minute now."
Marcus- "Wait can I go up their?"
Scar- "No that's not the best decision." I looked at the rest and winked.
Nevaeh- "Hey Marcus." She grabbed Ivan's hand and walked downstairs.
Marcus- "Why are you guys holding hands?"
Nevaeh- "You didn't get the message we broke up silly." I rolled my eyes and looked down.
Marcus- "You let this happen!"
Scar- "I didn't let anything happen why are you screaming at me?" He shoved me onto the grounds and Lucas held him back.
Dari- "If she said she didn't let it happen she didn't let it happen." I stood up and backed up and leaned against the wall.
Marcus- "She does everything she is just a girl that sleeps with people every other week." Tears ran down my face and I looked at him.
Scar- "you know what get out of my fucking house and forget about your girl!" They all left and I smiled.
Nevaeh- "Should we tell them?"
Scar- "We should!"
Scar- "Marcus waot." I grabbed his hand and looked at him.
Scar- "Your girl wanted to tell me that it was a prabk." Marcus hugged me and my shirt started to get wet.
Lucas- "Sarcus is a friendship again." I stood on my toes and rubbed the back of his head.
Scar- "Marcus calm down." He just hugged me tighter and I smiled.
Marcus- "I miss these moments." He whispered.
Scar- "You have a girl and I have a husband calm down."
Emilio- "Swotching girlfriends for 24 hours."
Marcus- "I want to watch after the kids." He jumped up and smiled.
Scar- "I'll go with him then."
Steve- "YouTube vidoe then."

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