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Kade- "3.. 2.. 1.." We both took of like a dash and yet I was in front of him.
Kade- "Ok let's go back. I started to turn around and so did Jake. We both stopped and I turned around my car and opened the door.
Jake- "Good job sis." He gave me a high five and I smiled.
Scar- "Thanks Jake ok so who do you want me to go against?"
Jake- "I don't know each brother name off their cars."
Dari- "I have a Lamborghini Huracan."
Lucas- "I have a Ferrari 488 Pista."
Marcus- "I have a Gt3Rs and it is a porsha."
Cyrus- "I have a McLaren 570s."
Scar- "And I have a McLaren 720s."
Cyrus- "Dang that's fresh."
Scar- "Aww thanks."
Cyrus- "So jake who do you want to go against her she is already going down." Emilio winked at me and smiled.
Emilio- "You got this baby mama." He put his hands on my shoulders and smiled.
Scar- "Ok baby." I put my hand on his shoulders and smiled. He pulled me into a kiss and smiled.
Jake- "Youngsters first am I right."
Dari- "Let's go Marcus."
Marcus- "You mean I go against your cute sister."
Emilio- "Stop checking out my girlfriend." He picked me up and hugged me.
Scar- "Baby but me down." He put me down and kissed me.
Marcus- "Nah sorry I meant it in a friend way sorry."
Scar- "Yeah sure let's just go."
Marcus- "Ok." I got into my car and smiled.
Kade- "You ready?"
Scar- "Yeah better than I ever be." Steve counted down and we both speed off.
Kade- "Go back!" We both turned around and went back.
Scar- "What the heck Marcus comeon you were really not trying."
Lucas- "I will try."
Scar- "Ok let's go then I want someone to but more effort than the do dickheads."
Both- "She just called us that."
Scar- "Yeah because you guys want me to go against your brothers."
Chance- "Come on your from Ohio your competitive."
Scar- "Yeah I am. Let's go." I got into the car and lucas nodded. Steve started counting down and we were off. Kade did the signal at the end were we had to turn around.
Kade- "All three of those were Scarlett I am sorry."
Lucas- "It's fine she has a fast car."
Dari- "Ok let's go."
Scar- "I know your tires need to be warmed up but that dose not matter let's go."
Jake- "I was 2 feet off of her with out my tires warmed up."
Dari- "Alright I got this."
Cyrus- "Let's go dari." He got in and Kade got out and closed the door and ran down their. Steve counted down and we we're off. Kade did the signal and we turned around.
Kade- "Scarlett won Dari you were a inch off."
Scar- "How!"
Cyrus- "Are you mad about that?"
Scar- "Yes I am stop making it easy comeon Jake did better then those three."
Cyrus- "Calm down I will take it up a  couple notches for you."
Scar- "Thank god." We both got in and Steve counted down and waved his arm. We made it down to kad and he told us to turn around.
Kade- "Scarlett don't be mad. But you get your money back."
Scar- "All I have to say their is five bags with 10k each in it and sence I yelled at you guys and I am sorry I think you 5 should get it." I looked down and smiled.
Jake- "Really."
Scar- "Yes." I grabbed the bags from nick and gave it to them.
Dobre- "Thanks Scarlett."
Scar- "No problem."
Jake- "Your a nice sister."
Scar- "Thanks you did good."
Jake- "Thanks."
Emilio- "Can I ride in it." I nodded and he grabbed my hand.
Emilio- "Thanks baby."
Scar- "No problem let's get out of this joint before it happens like last time jake."
Jake- "Yeah let's go."
Ivan- "Is their room for me?"
Scar- "Yeah come on." He ran up to us and smiled I opened the door and  moved my seat forward. Ivan got in and I but my seat back.
Emilio- "Baby how do you open it?"
Scar- "You pull the handle and lift it up."
Emilio- "What handle." I got our and opened the door.
Emilio- "Thanks baby."
Scar- "No problem." I got in and started driving home.
Ivan- "Can we go fast?"
Scar- "Not right now their are police out." Jake called me and I answered it and put it on speaker.
Jake- "Where are you."
Scar- "5 minutes away I am being followed by a cop right now."
Jake- "Why a cope?"
Scar- "I don't fucking know I just want to sleep that's all not sit in jail."
Jake- "You guys are going to be ok just come home and try your best to not getting pulled over."
*Jake's POV *
Jake- "Just try not to get pulled over."
Scar- "Alright." I hung up the phone and heard a car speeding in. I saw three figures running up to the door and opening the door.
Scar- "We are going to die." I hugged Scarlett and the police came up to the door.
Police- "Do you know these kids?"
Jake- "Yeah this is my little sister and their my best friends little brother why?"
Police- "I just wanted to say that the place you guys did your race on is not aload anymore do I make myslef clear." I nodded and Anthony came up to the Martinez and stood in between them with is arms around their shoulders.
Police- "Are you their brother?" Anthony nodded and the police looked at him.
Police- "I saw these three pulling out of the racetrack down town and all I have to say is that racing their is not aload anymore due to her actions."
Jake- "What did she do?"
Police- "All I heard is that she gave money to people and yelling at people."
Jake- "She did not mean to yell at them. The money was for a YouTube video sorry.."
Police- "It's fine just make sure you guys don't do it again." I nodded and he left. I closed the door and Scarlett was crying.
Jake- "Scarlett no don't cry." I walked up to her and hugged her.
Scar- "My stomach hurts really bad now." I looked at Emilio and winked.
Emilio- "Baby your going to be ok I promise."
Scar- "Ok."
*Scar POV*
Scar- "Ok." I gave him a hug and laid my head on his shoulder.
Logan- "Hahaha."
Jake- "What the hell are you doing here?"
Logan- "I heard the my little sister was getting he room painted so I added something."
Scar- "Logan if you add yourself I am murdering you whil you are sleeping."
Logan- "Oh god." I jumped onto his back and smiled.
Logan- "I am carrying her now." He walked up the stairs and I looked at my ceiling.
Scar- "Why is it covered?" They took it off and I grabbed a pair of scissors.
Scar- "oh god I love it."
Logan- "Even though it's not my face."
Scar- "Yeah I see your face everytime I go into Jake's merch shop. And take this." I put the scissors down and grabbed a sweatshirt and tossed it at him.
Logan- "Awesome."
Scar- "Yeah if you come here you have to wear that or Jake's merch and now arguing kid."
Anthony- "Keep it down I am trying to take a shit!"
Scar- "Shut up we're vlogin here!"
Anthony- "Ok."
Scar- "Still why is their a face on my ceiling."
Jake- "Towmarrow we are doing a challenge so be ready."
Scar- "Ok can you guys get out know I want to go to bed."
Jake- "Ok."
Scar- "Okay bye."

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