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I turned on my camera and smiled.
Scar- "What is up berlinsters and if you are new here just make sure you hit the subscribe button and hit that notification button so you are notified every time I post a new YouTube vidoe so let's go." I walked back out into the kitchen and at down my camera facing them and sat down.
Ivan- "Why are you filming?"
Scar- "I need some more content and you guys are pretty hot so keep on going."
Ivan- "Ok so right now we are making pizza but we don't know what kind yet."
Scar- "Can it be Hawaiian?" Ivan nodded and smiled.
Ivan- "Fine just to make this birthday girl happy."
Scar- "It is not my birthday."
Ivan- "Shut up cutie is tomorrow." I rolled my eyes and smirked.
Scar- "No it's not."
Ivan- "Towmarrow is." I rooled my eyes and smiled.
Scar- "Ok that's a fact." I felt someone put their head ontop of mine and wrapped the arms around my neck.
Scar- "Ok can we get this done and over with?" Ivan rolled his eyes and smiled.
Anthony- "Boo." I smacked him and smiled.
Scar- "That's what you get for being a boomer."
Anthony- "Mean." He smiled and hugged me again.
Jake- "Sorry to interrupt up I have to give scar something really quick." I stood up and followed jake to the front door. He smiled and I saw something sitting on the corner.

I smiled and hugged him

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I smiled and hugged him.
Scar- "Thanks jake." He picked me up a little and hugged me.
Jake- "No problem." I looked around and everybody smiled. I put my head into Jake's shoulder then walked outside. I sat on the stairs looking at my arms with tears running down my face. I quickly wiped away my tears and looked straight head. Emilio came out and sat down next to me.
Emilio- "Baby are you ok?" I looked at him and wiped away my tears.
Scar- "I just don't feel comfortable." I put my head on his shoulder and sighed.
Emilio- "Baby what are you talking about." I looked at him and gave a fake smiled.
Scar- "Every time I walk into a room people will stare at me besides You, Ivan, Chance and Anthony. It just dose not feel like I don't fit in anymore like I used to."
Emilio- "Do you want me to go get jake and you talk to him about this. I don't want you sitting out here crying because you don't fit in." He kissed my forehead and I smiled.
Scar- "Yeah sure it feels like my brother needs to know." Emilio nodded and walked inside and dragged Jake outside.
Scar- "Jake came here." He sat down next to me and hugged me.
Jake- "Scarlett talk to me alright I heard everything." I started to cry and wiped away my tears.
Scar- "It just feels like I am the weird one because I am your little sister."
Jake- "Scarlett Grace Paul just stop saying that stuff they all are staring at you because they don't know what to think about you they just dont know what to think about you they are just jealous that they dont have a kind, warm heart, beautiful, beloved sister like I do." I smiled and started to cry.
Scar- "You know what your right." I smiled and hugged him. Jake nodded and smiled.
Jake- "Yeah." I stood up and walked inside.
Chance- "Hey mini paul why you crying?" He picked my up and hugged me.
Scar- "I don't want to talk about it."
Anthony- "Sis what happened?" I gave a fake smile and looked down and walked away.  I walked upstairs tony room and cut my wrist a couple time. Emilio came in and looked at my arm.
Emilio- "Baby what the hell you cant keep on doing this!" He looked at me and I started to cry. He just screamed at me he's mad at me. I walked out and walked downstairs.
Scar- "Emilio just yelled at me." Jake hugged me and looked at my arm.
Jake- "Scarlett Grace Paul you have to stop cutting yourself it is not going to make this situation better nor worse just please dont do that to yourself." I nodded and looked at Ivan.
Scar- "I'm sorry." I looked down at the ground and moved my foot side to side.
Jake- "Scarlett the foot describes everything. What's wrong?"
Scar- "Say what?" I looked up and looked at him.
Jake- "The foot describes everything. What's wrong?" I sighed and looked at him.
Scar- "I got told that dad is coming tomorrow morning." 
Jake- "Oh hell nah." He started walking back and forth and I looked at kade.
Chance- "Scarlett your doing the foot again."
Anthony- "Yeah what's worng." I sighed and looked at them.
Scar- "Not the right moment guys sorry." They took a couple steps back and I looked at jake.
Jake- "Why dose he need to come over?" I looked  at him then the door.
Scar- "The person the told me that is a thing called a brother to us both." He ran his hand through his hair and started walking back and forth again.
Jake- "No he did. Please tell me didn't Scarlett." I looked down and looked up at him again.
Scar- "He did and he is coming I am sorry. You know that I did not tell him to come over." I paused and my phone started to ring and dad was calling me.
Dad- "Be ready I am coming tomorrow and their is nothing you are going to do about it." I looked at jake and he hugged me.
Scar- "Could you come another time everybody is sick besides me." I winked at Ivan and smiled.
Dad- "If you would have told me that I would have not told you that I was coming." I smiled and looked at Jake.
Scar- "Ok I will tell you soon ok."
Dad- "Ok."
I hung up the phone and looked at Jake.
Jake- "He's not coming." I hugged Jake and smiled.
Scar- "Oh my god I am saved fuck yeah." Chance smiled at me and hugged me.
Anthony- "And this is what I mean that he is mean to her." Chance put me down and I sneezed
Jake- "You good Scarlett?" I nodded and sneezed again.
Scar- "Sorry." Emilio picked me up and I jumped.
Scar- "Where do you come from! One moment your all the way over there than you are over here scaring me." He hugged me and smiled.
Emilio- "Because it is easy to scare you and it is fun to do it."
Scar- "Rude." I crossed my arms and looked at him.
Emilio- "Baby your cute when your mad." I smiled and looked at him.
Scar- "How am I smiling and I am exposed to be mad at you."
Jake- "Stop being mad at each other." I rolled my eyes and looked st him.
Scar- "I have crutches so dose that mean I can smack someone with it?" Jake shook his head and looked at me
Jake- "Scarlett no." I rolled my eyes and sighed.
Scar- "That is rude right there." Jake hugged me and smiled.
Jake- "You're mean to me you know that right?" I nodded and smiled.
Scar- "It's fun."
Jake- "Scarlett. Stop bring mean."
Scar- "No." I walked up to Emilio and put my head onto his shoulder.
Emilio- "What'd up cutie?" I smiled and he kissed my forehead.
Scar- "I love you." He rubbed my ba k and kissed me.
Kade- "Aww how cute!"
Chance- "Mini paul is growing up." I smiled and looked at Chance.
Scar- "Whatever."
Jake- "I got you this and I want you to go an put it on to see if it looks good." I looked at hi mand smiled.
Scar- "You know that I can finally wear shoes know?"
Jake- "Scarlett just listen to me and go an try it on." I walked upstairs and went into my bedroom. And this is what he wanted me to try on:

 And this is what he wanted me to try on:

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I walked back downstairs and smiled.
Jake- "It looks good kiddo."
Scar- "I actually look pretty hot in this." Emilio smirked at me and winked.
Emilio- "You look good in everything." I smiled and rolled my eyes.
Scar- "Yeah right."
Emilio- "What your boyfriend cant have a opinion?" I shook my head and shrugged.
Scar- "Not today baby sorry."
Emilio- "Why not today though?"
Scar- "I said so leave me alone. I am going to go and drive myself to the store if anyone want to tag along." Emilio dragged me outside.
Scar- "Baby I need keys." I walked back inside and stole Jake's lambo keys.
Emilio- "He let's you baby?" I nodded and started it up.
Scar- "Hold on baby." I got out and opened the door.
Emilio- "Magic touch."
Scar- "Yup." I pulled out and drove to Target. I pulled into Target and hake call me.
Jake- "Scarlett did you take my lambo!?" I nodded and smiled.
Scar- "Sorry I just need to get some food before I pass out." I pulled into a parking spot and got out of the car.
Jake- "Alrigh' just make sure you be careful." I nodded.
Scar- "Alrigh' bye love you." I looked the car and walked inside.
Jake- "Love you too see ya later." I hung up the phone and grabbed Emilio's hand.
Emilio- "I love you babygirl." I smiled and kissed his cheek.
Scar- "Je t'aime mon beau." He kissed me on the lips.
Emilio- "Come on hottie." We both walked inside and I smiled.
Emilio- "You go and get your food and I will go and get Starbucks ok." I nodded and walked to go and get some watermelon and pineapple. I walked up to the checkouts and Emilio wrapped his arm around my neck.
Scar- "Thanks baby." He gave me a sip of his and I smiled.
Emilio- "Why whatever you get is why better than what I get?" I shrugged and patted my pockets
Emilio- "Are you looking for Jake's keys?" I nodded and smiled. He grabbed his credit card and paid for my things. I grabbed the backs and walked outside.
Emilio- "Baby come on." I walked a little faster and made it to the car.

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