~ Part one ~

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Taehyung's Pov.

It's been two days since Jennie has left me and she is probably out with her friends in the club, while I sit here in my room sadden, we were together for 2 years in our freshman year college and she made the first move, Since I was that quiet nerd guy I never thought she would notice me because I never really cared about anyone but after I changed my looks a bit she started to talk to me more. I never had interest in girls because I was always busy with work and school, but ever since Jennie came into my life things changed a bit, We were that happy couple everyone loved and was jealous about, but now that we aren't together I feel hopeless.

What was it that I did wrong? I have no clue how, I did everything that made her happy, I know that relationships don't last forever but what's the point of being a couple if it doesn't work well? Do people do it because their lonely? Or out of boredom?, I'd say being lonely was fun before this happened, no one to get mad at you or make fun of because you were yourself, When Jennie was with me, I learned that everyone needed to be loved by someone in this world.

I leaned back onto my chair and stared at the ceiling as my phone rang on the table, I picked it up "Hello?", "Hey Tae, are you free today? We kinda need your help" My boss says from the other side, "Oh yeah I'm free, I'll be there soon" I stood up from my chair and ended the call. I walked into my walk-in closet and grabbed my brown hoodie to put on before leaving my room close and stepped down the stairs meeting my parents, "I'll be in the building for a few hours" I say and grabbed my keys on the small table by the door "Be here on time for dinner!" My mom shouts before I closed the door behind me and walked to my black Audi.

If you're wondering if I live in a big house or If I'm rich or not, I'd say I'm in Middle class because my parents own a big house here in Seoul, My mom works as a family doctor and my dad owns a car shop, Meanwhile I work as an assistant photographer since I like taking pictures a lot.
I park my car in front of the large building and hopped out, I grabbed my backpack in the back and closed the door, "Hi Tae, they need help again?" My friend calls me as I bow down at him "Yes" I say, "Ah, their camera work needs some practice huh?" He says and I shake his hand, "Well that's what they need me for" I shrug "Why don't they just hire you as a photographer?" He asks, "I don't think so, I'm not as professional as them" I nervously laugh "Oh come on, your pictures are some high quality, they are really good" He pats my shoulder, "Thanks Mr. Chun, I'll see you tomorrow" We bow down to each other and parted our ways.

I entered the building "Hey Tae" Joy looks up from her computer, I nod at her and walked into the elevator and pressed the tenth floor. I look at my reflection from the elevator doors, I fixed my hair and put on my beanie as the door opens, I bow down to the two people who were waiting and walked around the corner to the shoot room, "Hey Tae, your here!" My boss calls when I enter "What do you need?" I ask as I put down my backpack onto the white table, "Change of plans, we need you to cover for us" He crosses his arms, I looked at him "Wait what do you mean?" I ask "We want you to work with us starting tomorrow and we're not gonna lie, your pictures are pretty good" He nods his head. "Really? I- I mean I'm not even close to your guys' work" I say, "Yeah, we kinda regret for not having you work with us, we feel like we were just selfish and come on your pictures don't even look like it was taken by someone" He spreads his arms, I let out a scoff "It's alright, I had fun being your guys' assistant" I zip my bag.

"So you going to help us?" He asks and I took a pause before looking back at him "Actually, I'm good thanks" I put on my backpack, his face is confused "What do you mean? This is a great opportunity" He says, I nod "Yeah it is, but I hate being used for my own special talents, It was nice working with you all, good luck" I bow down with a small smile "Are you quitting?" He asks and I gave him a peace sign before walking out.


I open the front door and entered my house, "Hey honey? You're early" My mom says from the kitchen, "Yeah I quit my job" I put down my bag on the island table, My dad looked up at me "You quit your job?" He says as I nodded and bit onto the carrot from the bowl. "Why would you do that?" My mom puts her knife down, "I didn't like how they treated their staffs honestly especially me, I mean why would you hire people when you're too lazy to do something, like fix the cameras or settings" I shrug "They needed you for that?" My mom asks "Yeah" I nod as she sighs "Why didn't you tell us sooner?" My dad asks "I didn't want to bother you guys since you two were busy working" I shrug "Make sure that doesn't happen anymore, I don't like it when you're mistreated" My mom continues to cut her potatoes, "Alright, by the way I got an email a few days ago for college and I got into this college from LA, can I move there for the semester?" I ask playing with the carrot in my hand, "You want to go to college in LA?" My dad asks and I nod nonchalantly, "Are you sure you'll be okay attending there? I mean wouldn't you be alone?" My mom says.

"Mom, I'm 20 years old I can handle myself I haven't done anything bad, that's basically saying you don't trust me" I shrug, My dad deeply sighs and puts down his pen "Alright if you want to you can, but we have to make sure everything is fine there for you or else we're sending you back here" My dad raises his brows at me. I nod with a wide smile on my face "But what's the sudden that you want to go to LA instead?" My mom asks, "I want to start my own life there, it'll be hard but I can get used to it" I reply, "Can you speak English?" My dad asks.

I clear my throat "Of course I can" I say in a proper english accent, my parents face lightened up "Wooh, that's good" My dad points at me "We'll buy your ticket tonight so you can get there early for your next semester" My dad says as he types on his phone. We hear the door open and my little brothers enter "Hey!" I stood up from my chair and ran to Jeong Gyu "How was the movie?" I say as I carried him up, "He slept half way through" Eon Jin says as she placed down his backpack "Awe man, you gotta stop doing that or else you won't be able to know what happened in the movie" I say to Jeong gyu, he sighs "There's just that one part of the movie that makes me go to sleep" We all laugh at his response as I rub his head.

'Camera Shot' | Bts Kim Taehyung & Twice Chou Tzuyu fanfic |Where stories live. Discover now