~ Last Part ~

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Hello hello, sadly this will be the last part of this story :( I know how sad it's making you feel but
I had to cut it off shortly because so many things have just hit me these past few months in my life and that's why I didn't have time to update and so I thought it would be a good choice to just end it here.

But waiittt don't worry hopefully when I get back on track I'll make new stories in the future :)) as much I would like to finish stuff in my life, I want to make people happy and maybe inspire to doing something similar to their likening like writing stories!

So enjoy this last part, HOPE everyone is staying safe and happy, don't forget to take care of yourself and remember you are loved by many!! ♡ ♡


Author's Pov.

Cheers and applauds built up the whole room as Chou Tzuyu walk up to the stage for an award she has won, her face full of surprise and happiness, she bows down before standing in front of the mic "Hello, firstly I would like to thank my fans who have inspire me to become someone who I never thought I would be, thanks to all of you I would never be here standing on this stage" She tries to hold back the tears by closing her eyes, "And lastly of course, my family and friends for being by my sides whenever I needed them, especially that one person" Her eyes gazed at Kim Taehyung at the back of the room with his big box smile, "Thank you all" She bows once again and leaves the stage.

The awards show has gone on for about an hour or two, after that everyone congratulated the winners and some might've met them for the first time in the party room.

Taehyung stood in the corner watching Tzuyu and everyone around her carefully, as soon as Tzuyu and the people she's talking to turned to look at him he smiled and walked over to them before bowing down saying "Hello", "Wow you two are so beautiful, perfect for each other" An old lady opens her mouth and covers it, Tzuyu and Taehyung glanced each other with small smiles feeling appreciative, "Thank you grandma" Taehyung took her hand and politely kissed it, and the reaction of hers was shocked and pleased.

"I hope you two live a healthy life" The old lady's husband smiles at the two, "Thank you grandpa, we hope you two will carry on life as much as you can" Tzuyu bowed down and Tae did the same when they walked away, making Tae grab Tzuyu's hand and leading her to an empty corner, he hugged her before kissing her on the cheek multiple times "I can't believe I'm standing in front of the model of the year" He says.

Tzuyu chuckled and pointed her finger on his lips preventing him from kissing her over and over again, "I don't think I deserve it though, there's so many girls and boys who should've been on that stage" She shook her head, "Oh Tzuyu, there was many reasons why you got it" Tae replied, "Yeah but the others have done better things than me", "Stop" Tae held her shoulders, "Just because you've never gotten this type of award since you've started modelling doesn't mean you should be thinking this way, this is how being famous works, you accomplish stuff, people start to notice you and you win awards", "That's nice of you to care about the others but this is you and you should be celebrating it" He smiles and kisses her forehead.


*2 months later*

The two decided to take a longer break from college and head to Taehyung's home town.

"Boo!" Tzuyu hopped up over the couch and scared Tae's little brother, "Ahh! You scared me" He says, "That's the whole point" Tzuyu giggles, "I thought you weren't a scaredy-cat Jeo (Jeong Gyu)" Taehyung's says heading to the living room from the kitchen, Jeong looked to his side "I-I'm not, that was just me being nice so that Tzuyu thinks she actually scared me" He said, Tzuyu scoffed "Oh really?" She got close to him and started tickling him, the little boy started to laugh like a maniac and push Tzuyu away but was too weak from Tzuyu's tickles.

Tzuyu stopped for a break and seconds later Jeong gyu runs away, "Hey where do you think you're going?" Taehyung asks, "Running from you guys" He replied, Tzu and Tae glanced at each other with smirks and got up to chase the little boy, "What's with all the rackets down here" Tae's little sister walks down the stairs, "Sis! Help! They're trying to kill me with the tickles!" Jeong Gyu yelled for her, "Aigoo, I'm not getting in that situation again" She says unbothered and walking to the kitchen for a cup of milk.

"Aahaha" Tae and Tzu gave him a evil laugh while still trying to catch the boys fast moves, unluckily for the two couples, Jeong gyu plays football and is really good ducking their catches.

Eventually the two stopped and made dinner for all four of them since Taehyung's parents are out for their business, the four decided to make spaghetti from scratch, the kids were doing the dough making noodles and the two were making the soup and meatballs.

Tzuyu and Taehyung were too busy to not realize that the kids behind them were having a small food fight until Eon Jin accidentally aims for Tae's back and now has dough on it, he quickly turned around "Who dares throw something at me?" He said in a deep pirate like voice, Tzuyu noticed and gasped "Were you two food fighting?" She says, the kids nodded slowly "He started it" Eon Jin pointed at her brother, "No I didn't" he shook his head.

Tae and Tzu once again glanced at each other like they could read each other's minds, "Without us?" They both said at unison, the kids were confused but caught on as soon as Tae picked up a small amount of flower and blew it at them, "Ahh" the kids screamed and ducked under the tall chairs, "Real fighters never back down!" Tae says, "You're right!" Jeong gyu shouted and threw a small piece of dough at Tzuyu and Taehyung, "Hahaha fighters like us never lose!" Eon Jin followed his lead and threw doughs at the couple.

It continued for about 15 minutes and they tried hard to not make any mess but obviously failed so they spent their dinner cleaning, "I actually wanted to eat spaghetti tonight" Eon Jin said frowning as they all sat down in the living room "Did anyone say spaghetti?" Tzuyu shouted, "What's that smell?" Taehyung asked, "Spaghetti!?" The kids ran back to the kitchen and was amazed at how Tzuyu started to prepare the food for everyone as Taehyung stood by looking proud.

The kids sat down and quickly got ready to eat the delicious food in front of them, "How did you get to cook this so quick?" Jeong gyu asks her, "Secret" Tzuyu smiled and winked at the little kids before they giggled and ate the food.

Taehyung walked up to her and kissed on the lips lightly, "I can't wait for you to be my wife" He says holding up the engagement ring on her hands, "I can't wait for our little mini me's to call you father" She said and kissed him back while the little kids didn't seem to bother to look because they were too busy at eating and admiring the food.


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