~ Part three ~

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"There is your keys for the dorm" The lady behind the desk hands me Jimin a key and we both down "Thank you" I smile at her and I see her cheeks start to blush, "Looks like we're roommates aye" Jimin elbows me "Yeah" I nod. We enter the elevator with other kids too, we ignored them and I realize they were english people "What are they talking about, are they english people?" Jimin whispers beside me, I listen to their conversations "Oh man, can't wait to party with girls" The guy with a red hat said in that British accent "Yeah man, they'll be a lot of beautiful girls I'll get" The short one said, I turn to Jimin "Girls and parties, yes they're english" I nodded.

We hear a clear throat in front of us, me and Jimin turned to their direction "What are you two talking about? Do you speak english?" The red hat guy says Jimin looked away, as I put on a sweet smile on my face "Nothing bad we're talking about boys, also heard of minding your own business?" I slide my hands in my jacket pocket, The short one scoffs "Come on man, we want to know" He says, "We'd want to keep our lives out of yours so please turn back around and act like nothing happened" I shrug "Hey! You don't talk to us like that!" The red hat guy points at my face, I wipe the spit from him off my face "Oh right sorry, I should keep my mouth close than" I smirk and looked at Jimin as he tries to hide his chuckle.

The door dings and open before the boys were about so say something and me and Jimin walked out with a small bow "Nice meeting you" I wave at them as they stood still in the elevator.
Jimin punches my arm "Bro! How did you manage to do that?" He says, I shrug "If they dare talk to me like that, they get what they deserve" I say cooly, me and Jimin laughs "You're so cool, I'm glad I met you" He pats my shoulder as we walk to our dorm number and Jimin opens it.

"Ooh wow, pretty cozy and not that small" Jimin says as he places his bag down on the black sofa and took out his pillow with a grey case, I look around and opened the blinds "Great view of the park too" I say, "Comfy beds, oh heck yeah!" Jimin plops down on the bottom bed, "I'll take this side if you want?" He says standing by the bathroom side "Take it" I say checking out the silver desks. Jimin sighs "I already want a nap" He says, I check my phone "Well you could for a while, everyone is going to the library for their schedules in a few hours" I say scrolling through my phone "How do you know?" Jimin's head pops up "I just got the email" I hold up my phone, Jimin plops back "Okay", "I'll wake you up when it's time" I say taking my jacket off and Jimin gives me a hm.

I open my suitcase to sort out my clothes onto the black drawer and took out my things out of my backpack to organize it on my desk, I made my bed and put my bags under it, After that I went to use the washroom to splash water on my face, I grab my towel and rubbed the water off. I decided to change my clothes since we're likely out of our dorm for the day and we'll be back at night. I close the washroom door behind me and took off my black shirt, to put on a green silky button-up shirt, I also had to change my pants since I was wearing black sweatpants for the ride here, I style my hair partly in the middle and put on my black glasses.

I look at my watch '3:20', I need to wake him up so he can get ready and organize his stuff, I leave the bathroom to wake up Jimin "Hey man, You should get ready, we'll be leaving in 30 minutes" I say to him "Already?" He says sitting up, "Yeah, you should get ready and start putting things on your side" I say taking some snacks out of my bag and plopped down on my bed. "Oh wow, you organized quickly" He says grabbing his bags and putting it onto his bed "I don't have that much stuff anyways" I shrug,
while scrolling through my phone.


"Are you done?" I call out to him as I leaned on the door waiting for him, he comes out of the bathroom wearing black ripped jeans and a denim jacket over a white shirt, "Alright let's go" Jimin puts his backpack over his shoulders as I open the door and walked out first, "Hopefully those guys won't notice at all" Jimin says closing and locking the door behind him.
"They were quite friendly" I shrug, a lot of people were outside their dorms already and walked down the stairs as us to the library, I hear a group of girls talking behind us and giggling "Do you think their talking about us?" Jimin asks beside me, I shrug "I hope not"

We enter the big library and all the students were lining up behind a row of desks, "Oh wow, that's a lot of people" Jimin says, I spot the senior line-up "We're over there let's go" Jimin follows behind me to the line-up as the group of girls from behind us were too. One of them tapped my shoulder and I turned around "Hi" She says with a small wave, I nod at her with a polite smile "Hello" I say in the english accent "Oh wow you speak english, that's very hot of you" She blushes, "Uh yeah I do, I've been studying it for years" I reply, "Well we just wanted to say that you and your friend are very cute, I'm Annie by the way" She sticks her hand out for me to shake "Tae and my friend is Jimin" I shake her hands, "Great names too" She nods "Thank you but if you don't mind we have to do something" I bow down and turned back around.

"Did she say we were cute?" Jimin asks and I nod "Yeah, such weird people" I say, the boy behind the desks asks us our names and school card. "Alright here is your schedules, good luck" He says handing us a piece of paper, "Thank you" We both bow and walked away, "What classes do you have?" I ask him and spotted Jennie again talking to someone, wait a minute was that her?! "Tae?" Jimin's voice breaks my thoughts as I look around for her again but can't, "You alright?" Jimin says, "What? oh yeah, I'm fine just thought I saw someone" I reply. He nods, "Could I see your paper?" He points at it and I hand it to him as I start to look around again.

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