~ Part twenty-nine ~

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I was punched in the stomach and fell to the ground, the pair of hands grabs the collar of my shirt and I was face to face, "You never speak of this or it will happen again you got it" A deep man voice was coming out of it's mouth behind the black mask, he had a black hoodie on and had a blue backpack, "W-who are you" I say holding onto my stomach in pain, "Why would I answer that, you made someone's life worse and you're gonna pay for it", "Wh-what?" I look at him in the eye "A-are you talking about Jungkook?" I asked, He punches my stomach again and covered my mouth before I groaned loudly.

"If you and Tzuyu are together I will make your life bad and I have my eyes on you" He says, "Why? Why do you have to do such a thing? Did jungkook order to do this?" I say quietly, "I'm not answering your stupid questions, I will hurt you if you do something with her", "Alright fine, you can do whatever you want with me but don't bring Tzuyu into this or anyone I know" I say, He shoves me back making me in contact with hard wall "Don't come near her ever or you'll suffer consequences" He points and quickly walked away out of my sight as I stood up with a small groan and picked up my stuff.

Who the hell was that guy? I don't even recognize him anywhere the campus and he was speaking Korean, he mentioned Tzuyu, he said I made someone's life worse, he's definitely working with Jungkook, I have to do something before something bad happens to Tzuyu or anyone. I get to my last class and Tzuyu was there in her seat with only a few people, She had a huge smile on her face when she saw me and I returned it, I cannot tell her yet about this but I do have to stop the relationship between me and her since it's the only choice I have.

"I thought you weren't supposed to come today" I say sitting beside her, "I didn't want to miss out on a great class with you and I missed you already" She says the last part quietly and a sharp feeling in my stomach shoots, I quickly hugged myself "I did too" I smile at her, "You alright?" She asks, "Oh yeah I just like to sit like this sometimes" I lied of course, "Okay, do you want water or something?", "No it's fine" I shake my head and we both face in front of the class when the professor enters.


"I'll see you in dance class in a few minutes, have fun" I say to Tzuyu before she leaves the room and I walk up to my professor, "Taehyung, what can I do for you?" He says closing his binders, "You look a bit sick" He says worriedly, "Uh yeah about that, I need to go to the nurses office" I say, "Oh, so you're sick?" He asks, "No I uh need a few bandages" I say holding onto my stomach, "Okay, here's a note" I take it from his hand I bowed down "Thank you Mr. Hong", "Yeah take care" He bows down and I leave the classroom.

I walk to the nurses office that was just around the corner and heard a familiar voice arguing with someone, I looked and it was Jennie with the guy I saw a few weeks ago, "You aren't taking this seriously, I've told you this twice this week" Jennie says, the boy comes closer and grabs her arm harshly "You're joking, just say it, you know you still want to be with me" He says it, I quickly pushed him out the way "Don't grab her like that" I say, "Tae" Jennie says as I step in front of her.

The guy punches my face but I didn't fall to the ground, I punched him back hard and he was the one that fell, "Tae!" Jennie holds onto my arm, "What's going on here!" The school nurse comes out of the office and helps the guy up "He punched me f-first" he said, "What! You were harassing her" I say, "Okay you go three go to the office!" He shouts and we all did.

"What happened?" The principal asks, "You first" He looks at Jennie, "I was in the hallway with Jake and we both were arguing because I wanted to break up with him" She says, "Whats your perspective?" He asks the guy Jake, "I was arguing with her" He says lowly, "And you?" He looks at me, "I stepped in when he grabbed her arms and harassed her, he threw a punch first and I did it back with self defence".

"Is that true Kim Jennie? You were the one that was watching" He says, she looks at me than at Jake before nodding "Yes", He deeply sighs "Okay", "What! You can't just agree, she's lying" Jake says, "Jake you're the only one acting like it didn't happen" He says looking straight at him, "You have a five day suspension and do not ever do it again", "Jennie you may leave but you Kim Taehyung, don't do it again also", I nodded "Yes", the two left before me and I picked up my bag causing me to fall down on my knees, "Tae!", "I-I'm fine I'm just tired" I say standing up, "Have you went to the nurses office?" He asks, "I was just about to go there" I reply, "I'll go on, don't worry" I bowed down and left the room.

I walked back to the nurse office and entered, "Hey weren't you the one in the hallway punching someone?" The front lady asks, "Y-yes, I went to the office but I need help" I say sounding asleep, the lady in front quickly stood up "You don't sound good" She says, "Ye-yeah" I say, "Follow me" She says and I do, I sat down on the bed with a deep sigh, "What is wrong? You sick?" She asks, "Uh long story but" I lift up my shirt and showed her the bruise on my stomach, "Oh my gosh!", "What happened?", "Long story" I say panting heavily from the pain.

She quickly did all the medical stuff and wrapped the bandage around my stomach, "You're lucky it didn't take you more than 1 hour or else it would've looked worse" She says, "Thank you" I bowed down, "Take care and make sure to do what I said", "Yes Miss" I say before leaving the room.

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